» Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 pm
I'm still buying it. DX11, either through patches or at launch will be the same. It's not like it's worse through patches, its just that biches like you are impatient so you **** cry like ****.
Thing is, it could be a NVIDIA thing, I mean, Crytek works a lot with NVIDIA....6990 and 6970 are both killing NVIDIA so im guessing they are going to release the 590 some time when DX11 patches come for Crysis 2....maybe a 590+Crysis 2 bundle. THAT'S CONSIDERING the rumors are true.
And yes, there is consolization but ONLY to the gameplay mechanics. SP still is full of replay value like the first crysis, and the multiplayer, IMO, is actually fun :/ I hated crysis 1 and wars multiplayer! Power struggle was alright, for the times it wasn't dull and drawn out, but otherwise it was all imbalanced and full of BS. Crysis 2 multiplayer forces me to use my nanosuit wisely and to the fullest with proper balancements and fun BALANCED perks....did i mention it was balanced?
Thus, i dont give a **** about how Crysis 2 is marketed. All i know is that it will be a great PC game with DX11, mods, and a sandbox editor for me to play with......That's all there is to it.