Crysis 2: How many canceled pre-orders due to Dx11/GFX info?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:52 am

And on top of that with Microsoft already posting jobs for possibly the next xbox, there's no telling what the future holds, one things for sure playstation and wii wont be the top players within the next couple of years.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:35 am

wow....there are more doomsayers here than on the Dragon age 2 boards!

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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm

Consoles are for people that cannot operate a pc. if it werent for consoles we allread have 4x better graphics then what games offer today. and fps on a console with a f** controller... riiight. theese are games for a fail generation with zero skills. just throw as much random factors into multiplayer as possible so that even the worst player gets a kill once in a while...

better times are ahead tho.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:31 am

If the money is all in consoles, then how come the original Crysis sold MORE THAN THREE MILLION copies on the PC without a single television advertisemant? Call of Duty and Halo have half of their budgets poured into advertisemant alone. Paying customers have a right to demand value for their dollars. Only morons would take it in the ass without a question. Coincidentally, it's mostly console gamers who readily bend over and take whatever the companies shove up their asses.

- Shrinking levels down.
- Greatly reducing multiplayer player counts.
- Dumbing down the Nanosuit and controls.
- Removing most physics-active objects.
- Getting rid of vehicles in multiplayer and having a very small role in singleplayer.
- Releasing media only for the Xbox 360 version.
- Releasing a broken late straight port of the demo to PC.
- Possibly half-assing DirectX 10/11 implemention.
- Setting a face-slapping $60 price tag on top of all this.
and more

You're damn right I'm angry and I'm not going to pay for this garbage. In fact, with the money I've saved, I've put about half of it into upgrading my Duke Nukem Forever pre-order to the Balls of Steel edition, to support developers that are actually supporting the PC platform instead of following the money trail and being a whore to Microsoft. Keep on pretending piracy is the problem even though piracy is on all platforms. Yeah, it must be the piracy and not all the **** you're doing on your fanbase!
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm

LOL these boards get better and BETTER by the very day

please do go ahead and cancel your preorders because you feel oh ever so personally insulted and hurt by it all

Keep saying positive reviews are "paid off", Keep up the ranting, keep up the rage, Keep up blaming the consoles and the "consolization" of gaming (even tho games of amazing depth are MADE for consoles from the ground up in spite of the relative limitations thanks to developers who work their asses off), Keep blaming the developers for trying to get in more revenue to be able to spend more money where it counts (and make better games in the process)

I'll just keep up playing Crysis 2 once it comes out.

oh and if on your way out you could drag along the other doomsayers that'd be awesome guys
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He got the
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:21 pm

LOL these boards get better and BETTER by the very day

please do go ahead and cancel your preorders because you feel oh ever so personally insulted and hurt by it all

Keep saying positive reviews are "paid off", Keep up the ranting, keep up the rage, Keep up blaming the consoles and the "consolization" of gaming (even tho games of amazing depth are MADE for consoles from the ground up in spite of the relative limitations thanks to developers who work their asses off), Keep blaming the developers for trying to get in more revenue to be able to spend more money where it counts (and make better games in the process)

I'll just keep up playing Crysis 2 once it comes out.

oh and if on your way out you could drag along the other doomsayers that'd be awesome guys

you dont matter. you are the kind that plays the game through (possible on your console from 2006) within a week and then you move on to the next whatever franchise like battlefield whatever is next.
developers work their assess off ? hmmm... maybe that is their job ? i work my ass of every day in software too. nothing particulary heroic about it. its a stupid job like every other job in the world where you at least try a tiny bit todo some good work.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:30 pm

LOL these boards get better and BETTER by the very day

please do go ahead and cancel your preorders because you feel oh ever so personally insulted and hurt by it all

Keep saying positive reviews are "paid off", Keep up the ranting, keep up the rage, Keep up blaming the consoles and the "consolization" of gaming (even tho games of amazing depth are MADE for consoles from the ground up in spite of the relative limitations thanks to developers who work their asses off), Keep blaming the developers for trying to get in more revenue to be able to spend more money where it counts (and make better games in the process)

I'll just keep up playing Crysis 2 once it comes out.

oh and if on your way out you could drag along the other doomsayers that'd be awesome guys

you dont matter. you are the kind that plays the game through (possible on your console from 2006) within a week and then you move on to the next whatever franchise like battlefield whatever is next.
developers work their assess off ? hmmm... maybe that is their job ? i work my ass of every day in software too. nothing particulary heroic about it. its a stupid job like every other job in the world where you at least try a tiny bit todo some good work.

LOL really?

in this generation I spent about 400 hours on Mass Effect 2....about the same on Mass Effect 1

about 200 on Dragon Age Origins....100 or so between Oblivion and Fallout 3

a good 30 on each RE 5 and Dead Space 1 and 2...those are my favorite franchises of this particular generation (ok Darksiders got me because of the art style.....I spent some 15 hours on it even tho it was cheesy as all hell).

The only Shooters I played in this generation are PDZ (because it vame with my console) Halo 3, Prey, GoW 1 and 2 and HL The Orange Box complete with portal. I have never and will never touch a CoD, MoH or any other similar franchise. I will, on the other end, touch Crysis 2. It has something I have not seen in a game since the original Halo....and it has nothing to do with technical prowess trust me.

yes I am a console player and YES developers work their assess off to deliver great games on limited hardware. Because they know you CAN deliver a great game on a console as it has been done before (in spite of what elitists say).

You may think I do not matter but do not assume you know anything about me at all.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:14 pm

LOL really?

in this generation I spent about 400 hours on Mass Effect 2....about the same on Mass Effect 1

about 200 on Dragon Age Origins....100 or so between Oblivion and Fallout 3

a good 30 on each RE 5 and Dead Space 1 and 2...those are my favorite franchises of this particular generation (ok Darksiders got me because of the art style.....I spent some 15 hours on it even tho it was cheesy as all hell).

The only Shooters I played in this generation are PDZ (because it vame with my console) Halo 3, Prey, GoW 1 and 2 and HL The Orange Box complete with portal. I have never and will never touch a CoD, MoH or any other similar franchise. I will, on the other end, touch Crysis 2. It has something I have not seen in a game since the original Halo....and it has nothing to do with technical prowess trust me.

yes I am a console player and YES developers work their assess off to deliver great games on limited hardware. Because they know you CAN deliver a great game on a console as it has been done before (in spite of what elitists say).

You may think I do not matter but do not assume you know anything about me at all.

so.. what ? its great how developers develop to limited specifications so you get a mediocre experience ? if it werent for consoles we have graphics and physics today of a quality not to be believed. it is consoles that just slow down development of games it keep them stuck.
consoles are just a bad concept especially with the extraordinary long lifetime cycles of the current console generation. it is just ridicoulous that people still target 2006 hardware in game development.

believe all you want, you are not worth wasting breath on AND you are not going to make a difference in spite of your nerdrage display.

So good luck to you, I'll still enjoy the game
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:06 am

LOL really?

in this generation I spent about 400 hours on Mass Effect 2....about the same on Mass Effect 1

about 200 on Dragon Age Origins....100 or so between Oblivion and Fallout 3

a good 30 on each RE 5 and Dead Space 1 and 2...those are my favorite franchises of this particular generation (ok Darksiders got me because of the art style.....I spent some 15 hours on it even tho it was cheesy as all hell).

The only Shooters I played in this generation are PDZ (because it vame with my console) Halo 3, Prey, GoW 1 and 2 and HL The Orange Box complete with portal. I have never and will never touch a CoD, MoH or any other similar franchise. I will, on the other end, touch Crysis 2. It has something I have not seen in a game since the original Halo....and it has nothing to do with technical prowess trust me.

yes I am a console player and YES developers work their assess off to deliver great games on limited hardware. Because they know you CAN deliver a great game on a console as it has been done before (in spite of what elitists say).

You may think I do not matter but do not assume you know anything about me at all.

so.. what ? its great how developers develop to limited specifications so you get a mediocre experience ? if it werent for consoles we have graphics and physics today of a quality not to be believed. it is consoles that just slow down development of games it keep them stuck.
consoles are just a bad concept especially with the extraordinary long lifetime cycles of the current console generation. it is just ridicoulous that people still target 2006 hardware in game development.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:21 pm

You guys are nuts

buy the game enjoy it!!! who needs DX11!!!

I doubt Crytek would downgrade their graphics, and if you are judging the graphics by the MP demo you should know that those are not the singleplayer campaign graphics, those levels and stuff were created by the Crytek UK MP studio, the single player is from Crytek Germany!

LOLs this is what a beta for a proper DX11 rts title looks like. I have it running on my PC now.

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:11 am

Close up unit view note vsync enabled fps is typically between 80-225fps on my GTX480 card depending how many units on screen.

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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:11 am

This is what a tiny tiny developement team can do with it so thats why I want to play DX11 games that okay with you?
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:54 pm

This tells me DX11 can make a big difference to games because I don't think any DX9 or DX10 RTS game has units with smooth curves or detail like this.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:54 am

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 pm

I'm still buying it. DX11, either through patches or at launch will be the same. It's not like it's worse through patches, its just that biches like you are impatient so you **** cry like ****.

Thing is, it could be a NVIDIA thing, I mean, Crytek works a lot with NVIDIA....6990 and 6970 are both killing NVIDIA so im guessing they are going to release the 590 some time when DX11 patches come for Crysis 2....maybe a 590+Crysis 2 bundle. THAT'S CONSIDERING the rumors are true.

And yes, there is consolization but ONLY to the gameplay mechanics. SP still is full of replay value like the first crysis, and the multiplayer, IMO, is actually fun :/ I hated crysis 1 and wars multiplayer! Power struggle was alright, for the times it wasn't dull and drawn out, but otherwise it was all imbalanced and full of BS. Crysis 2 multiplayer forces me to use my nanosuit wisely and to the fullest with proper balancements and fun BALANCED perks....did i mention it was balanced?

Thus, i dont give a **** about how Crysis 2 is marketed. All i know is that it will be a great PC game with DX11, mods, and a sandbox editor for me to play with......That's all there is to it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:01 am

i canceled mine,.no dx10/11=no buy from me,.what a joke dx9 only.,but will wait and see .love crysis 1 and war.shame
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:35 am

i canceled mine,.no dx10/11=no buy from me,.what a joke dx9 only.,but will wait and see .love crysis 1 and war.shame

Well you're a fool. When was the last time you saw a game that looked anything like a tech demo.
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Jessica White
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:21 pm

I'm still buying it!!
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:34 pm

Consoles are for people that cannot operate a pc. if it werent for consoles we allread have 4x better graphics then what games offer today. and fps on a console with a f** controller... riiight. theese are games for a fail generation with zero skills. just throw as much random factors into multiplayer as possible so that even the worst player gets a kill once in a while...

better times are ahead tho.

One of the things I love about all these PC guys is that games aren't about having fun. They are about pushing graphical envelops and showing people their "mad skillz." And if it weren't for those god-damned consoles, we would be gaming in REAL 3D alternate universes by now. But those evil morons at Microsoft and Sony are ruining it for all the "real gamers."
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 pm

One of the things I love about all these PC guys is that games aren't about having fun. They are about pushing graphical envelops and showing people their "mad skillz." And if it weren't for those god-damned consoles, we would be gaming in REAL 3D alternate universes by now. But those evil morons at Microsoft and Sony are ruining it for all the "real gamers."

Untill games become what they used to be 4 years ago , i'm off fishing. It's got better graphics anyway.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

i canceled mine,.no dx10/11=no buy from me,.what a joke dx9 only.,but will wait and see .love crysis 1 and war.shame

Well you're a fool. When was the last time you saw a game that looked anything like a tech demo.

Which tech demo?
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:02 am

Consoles are for people that cannot operate a pc. if it werent for consoles we allread have 4x better graphics then what games offer today. and fps on a console with a f** controller... riiight. theese are games for a fail generation with zero skills. just throw as much random factors into multiplayer as possible so that even the worst player gets a kill once in a while...

better times are ahead tho.

One of the things I love about all these PC guys is that games aren't about having fun. They are about pushing graphical envelops and showing people their "mad skillz." And if it weren't for those god-damned consoles, we would be gaming in REAL 3D alternate universes by now. But those evil morons at Microsoft and Sony are ruining it for all the "real gamers."

Pot, Kettle, black. Console gamers buy games based on graphics over gameplay, how else do you explain all the freaking cut-scenes and "in game" footage that involves sitting and watching Kratos execute a 20 minute death move, while at the very most repeatedly pressing x. Or Uncharted games I think I semi played 5 minutes of one of these titles before reaching anything I would define as gameplay.

If Console gamers wanted gameplay and not graphics Crysis 2 would be a totally different game. It would still be a pure sandbox experience for example.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:35 am

Cry babies that's all pc nerds are it dosent matter what you play on as long as you have fun, so quit being a bunch of ass bags and quit biching! You all will more than likely buy the game when it comes out especially when the patch for dx11 comes out and then you all will be two-faced saying oh this is so great I love crysis 2!
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Sista Sila
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:23 pm

Crysis 2 is not as fun as the original Crysis. Get it through your thick skulls you console kiddies. It's not just about the technology. I want a nanosuit that doesn't hold my hand. I want a wide variety of level sizes from small to huge. I want at least 16vs16 matches. I want power struggle. I want vehicles, lots of them. I want prone and lean. I want massive numbers of physics objects. I want in-battle weapon customization.

Crysis 2 does not deliver any of that. It's absolute trash compared to the original and Crytek should not be defended for taking so many steps backwards.
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:39 pm

^ I agree ^

My only hate against consoles is when it affect PC games. I don't care if they sell more of i the damn controllers are better than mouse and keyboard, i care when they affect the games i like on PC!
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