Crysis 2: How many canceled pre-orders due to Dx11/GFX info?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:37 pm

Crysis 2 is not as fun as the original Crysis. Get it through your thick skulls you console kiddies. It's not just about the technology. I want a nanosuit that doesn't hold my hand. I want a wide variety of level sizes from small to huge. I want at least 16vs16 matches. I want power struggle. I want vehicles, lots of them. I want prone and lean. I want massive numbers of physics objects. I want in-battle weapon customization.

Crysis 2 does not deliver any of that. It's absolute trash compared to the original and Crytek should not be defended for taking so many steps backwards.
I want all of that and more, more than your little brain can think of, but you know what you can't please everyone.
So grow up!
It affects pc :(
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:51 am

Crysis 2 is not as fun as the original Crysis. Get it through your thick skulls you console kiddies. It's not just about the technology. I want a nanosuit that doesn't hold my hand. I want a wide variety of level sizes from small to huge. I want at least 16vs16 matches. I want power struggle. I want vehicles, lots of them. I want prone and lean. I want massive numbers of physics objects. I want in-battle weapon customization.

Crysis 2 does not deliver any of that. It's absolute trash compared to the original and Crytek should not be defended for taking so many steps backwards.

........U mad bro?
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:35 am

Nope but this guy was
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:42 pm

Pot, Kettle, black. Console gamers buy games based on graphics over gameplay, how else do you explain all the freaking cut-scenes and "in game" footage that involves sitting and watching Kratos execute a 20 minute death move, while at the very most repeatedly pressing x. Or Uncharted games I think I semi played 5 minutes of one of these titles before reaching anything I would define as gameplay.

If Console gamers wanted gameplay and not graphics Crysis 2 would be a totally different game. It would still be a pure sandbox experience for example.

Yeah, there are alot of things going on in console games right now that I don't like either. Some time around when the Xbox 360 and PS3 were preparing to launch was when people really started to give a sh*t about what console had better graphics and all that crap. I think alot of it had to do with the fact that the PS3 had such a huge price tag and was claiming it was worth it because it would do stuff the 360 can't. And so, Xbox supporters rose up to defend the people that gave them Halo. And all that sentiment has continued to preoccupy the minds of gamers now. I am so sick of all the fanboys bickering and arguing over that crap. That kind of stuff never really happened last generation. The PS2 version of the first Splinter Cell was not only graphically inferior to the Xbox version, but the first level was actually designed differently due to the PS2s limitations. But nobody cared. The PS2 version still sold great. That's because back then, as long as the game didn't look like a school project someone did the night before it was due, no one cared as long as it was fun.

What I think is happening in video games is that alot of younger gamers are coming in, and they have never experienced the past generation, and all they see is eye candy and don't appreciate what a good game is. But because these gamers are young, they are also immature, and to top it all off the quality of parenting has been going downhill, at least in the US, really fast as the years go by. So they whine and complain on the internet anytime something isn't exactly what they want. And as the old saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

And game companies listen to that noise and obey it. Games are so time-consuming and expensive to make that they can't afford to not listen to all these complaints, no matter how silly or uneducated they are. Because these immature kids are the ones buying the games. If they don't buy the games, you go out of business really fast. It is basically what has happened to the movie business. In both games and movies, you see the real creativity in the smaller budget creations that don't get much attention or sell alot, while the block-busters are just more of the same crap we have seen year after year.

But as I am sure you know, just like all people who play on PCs are not the same, all people who play on consoles are not the same. It's just the older, more mature, and more reasonable gamers are being drowned out by the incessant whining of the others.

But the reason the Crysis 2 sandbox is smaller than the first one is not because of graphics. It's because consoles don't have enough RAM to pull off a game like the first. So it is true Crysis 2 ended up like it did because of consoles, but not because all console gamers care about is graphics.

And while we may never know how good C2 would have been if it had just remained a PC game, I can say I am glad that they got rid of all the empty spaces C1 had where nothing happend for a long time. Like the trip from the research dome where Dr. Rosenthall was held, back to the helibase, and then down the river to the cemetary. SOOOOOO F****KING BOOOOORIIIIIINNNGGG!!!!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:26 am

Cry babies that's all pc nerds are it dosent matter what you play on as long as you have fun, so quit being a bunch of ass bags and quit biching! You all will more than likely buy the game when it comes out especially when the patch for dx11 comes out and then you all will be two-faced saying oh this is so great I love crysis 2!
Hey mate , our "having fun" terms are on much higher standards than those offered on consoles , and when those get dumbed , we get pissed . Think about this , you're a college football player for 10 years , than all of a sudden you are forced to play in the cow-skinned ball league back in 1900. Not cool.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:21 pm

I hate the `true PC gamer` tag. A `true gamer` is someone who still has the original playstation sitting next to their TV and occasionally fires it up to play classics from 1999. A `true gamer` doesn′t care what platform a game is on, you go to the games you want to play. All this fanboy crap is ridiculous.

As a PC gamer, PC gamers make me sick. Anything multiplat or console exclusive is instantly a fail, but if someone brought out **** Pong HD for PC only the fanboys would be armed and ready to defend it, calling it a 100/100 masterpiece with tactical gameplay and ultra realistic graphics.

Get over yourselves, as much as I like the original Crysis, if you think that game wasn′t without its own share of flaws then you are merely being blinded by your fanboyism.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:40 am

I play at xbox 360 .... :3
So ofc I havent canceled! ^^
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

Cry babies that's all pc nerds are it dosent matter what you play on as long as you have fun, so quit being a bunch of ass bags and quit biching! You all will more than likely buy the game when it comes out especially when the patch for dx11 comes out and then you all will be two-faced saying oh this is so great I love crysis 2!

So basically you are saying that when DX11 is in the game I will stop saying that Crytek needs to put DX11 in the game. No **** sherlock.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:08 am

I hate the `true PC gamer` tag. A `true gamer` is someone who still has the original playstation sitting next to their TV and occasionally fires it up to play classics from 1999. A `true gamer` doesn′t care what platform a game is on, you go to the games you want to play. All this fanboy crap is ridiculous.

As a PC gamer, PC gamers make me sick. Anything multiplat or console exclusive is instantly a fail, but if someone brought out **** Pong HD for PC only the fanboys would be armed and ready to defend it, calling it a 100/100 masterpiece with tactical gameplay and ultra realistic graphics.

Get over yourselves, as much as I like the original Crysis, if you think that game wasn′t without its own share of flaws then you are merely being blinded by your fanboyism.

^ this

Crysis 2 also looks a lot better than crysis 1 in about 90% of all aspects at the moment, and the full game will almost certainly fix the other 10%. *shock* If you disagree, pull your head out your ass and play crysis 1 and then swap to crysis 2 instantly so fanboyism can't ruin your perception.

I was actually surprised how much better crysis 2 was when swapping from a modded crysis 1. (also, to pre-empt the herp derp crowd, yes i play on very high in crysis, everyone does nowadays).
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:44 am

As a PC gamer, PC gamers make me sick.

You make yourself sick. Hows that working out for you?
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Heather M
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:39 pm

Complaints about DX11 will be short lived once you witness what Crytek have created, Crysis 2 in DX9 puts other games to shame, no doubt this is the single most beautiful game in existence. Stop your biching and wait for the bonus DX11 updated.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:08 pm

Crysis 2 also looks a lot better than crysis 1 in about 90% of all aspects at the moment, and the full game will almost certainly fix the other 10%. *shock* If you disagree, pull your head out your ass and play crysis 1 and then swap to crysis 2 instantly so fanboyism can't ruin your perception.

For an experiment then if your PC can do very high Crysis and do Crysis 2 on hardcoe both at 30fps or more. Why don't you ask somebody who doesn't play games your GF or your Mum or something which is better? Then you can get an objective opinion.
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April D. F
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 am

Crysis 2 also looks a lot better than crysis 1 in about 90% of all aspects at the moment, and the full game will almost certainly fix the other 10%. *shock* If you disagree, pull your head out your ass and play crysis 1 and then swap to crysis 2 instantly so fanboyism can't ruin your perception.

For an experiment then if your PC can do very high Crysis and do Crysis 2 on hardcoe both at 30fps or more. Why don't you ask somebody who doesn't play games your GF or your Mum or something which is better? Then you can get an objective opinion.

Will do when my PC isn't dead (asus p8p67 pro's are beginning to annoy me) ^^ But, to be honest, it is fairly obvious which looks better overall. Crysis 1, at the moment, only has some (water, some textures - although most are worse) aspects which are better, and it's those aspects the PC elitists are claiming 'zomg cross platform = crap'. Then again, those aspects seem more like results of the multiplayer demo (which is not handled by crytek proper anyway, hence the embarrassing situation with the 'press start' ect.).
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:21 pm

I think there are people who are behaving really badly that also happen to have issues with the game. But it is not any better when people go around throwing their toys out of the pram and launching a tirade against all PC Gamers. Infact it is worse because Crytek is an organization that exists for profit and customer complaints are part of the territory, something you have to use as a resourse if you want to grow as a business.

Alot of people with complains have been unreasonable in the way they express it but some have been fair. So what if some people think it needs DX11 or don't like the aiming system, or cancelled a pre-order as long as they express it in a reasonably mature manner that should be okay.

People need to stop tarring all PC gamers with the same brush and the same goes even for people who have issues with the game, as I said if you express opinions in the right way that should be fine. Whereas insulting all PC gamers is not fine especially when you insult yourself in the process as many have.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:52 pm

I hate the `true PC gamer` tag. A `true gamer` is someone who still has the original playstation sitting next to their TV and occasionally fires it up to play classics from 1999. A `true gamer` doesn′t care what platform a game is on, you go to the games you want to play. All this fanboy crap is ridiculous.

As a PC gamer, PC gamers make me sick. Anything multiplat or console exclusive is instantly a fail, but if someone brought out **** Pong HD for PC only the fanboys would be armed and ready to defend it, calling it a 100/100 masterpiece with tactical gameplay and ultra realistic graphics.

Get over yourselves, as much as I like the original Crysis, if you think that game wasn′t without its own share of flaws then you are merely being blinded by your fanboyism.
Thank you
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:32 pm

good morning hate filled, nerd ragind thread


we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2), Happy now? no? thought so......most of the complainers there will NEVER be happy about anything unless Crytek packages Crysis 1 made with the crytek engine 3, DX11 and just gives it to you as its calling crysis 2

Jesus Christ it's like watching the Dragon age boards all over again with angry people crying because "ZOMG this game is not like BG2"

Edit: note, Dragon Age 2 did the EXACT same thing. Developers are going to do this more and more in the future I believe as a marketing strategy. Also, Should the 360 users start crying foul for each multiplatform game (PS3 and 360 multiplatform) that does NOT make use of Tesselletion since the 360 GPU has tesselletion capabilities and the PS3's does not? (if you do not believe me a quick google search will show you that, yes, it is the truth....Halo Wars was the last title to use it if I remember right)

Come on this is getting ridiculous. Also WTF is wrong with the action bubbles model?

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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:14 am

I think there are people who are behaving really badly that also happen to have issues with the game. But it is not any better when people go around throwing their toys out of the pram and launching a tirade against all PC Gamers. Infact it is worse because Crytek is an organization that exists for profit and customer complaints are part of the territory, something you have to use as a resourse if you want to grow as a business.

Alot of people with complains have been unreasonable in the way they express it but some have been fair. So what if some people think it needs DX11 or don't like the aiming system, or cancelled a pre-order as long as they express it in a reasonably mature manner that should be okay.

People need to stop tarring all PC gamers with the same brush and the same goes even for people who have issues with the game, as I said if you express opinions in the right way that should be fine. Whereas insulting all PC gamers is not fine especially when you insult yourself in the process as many have.
And just out of curiosity what is the issue with the aiming system compared to C1?
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:51 am

I think there are people who are behaving really badly that also happen to have issues with the game. But it is not any better when people go around throwing their toys out of the pram and launching a tirade against all PC Gamers. Infact it is worse because Crytek is an organization that exists for profit and customer complaints are part of the territory, something you have to use as a resourse if you want to grow as a business.

Alot of people with complains have been unreasonable in the way they express it but some have been fair. So what if some people think it needs DX11 or don't like the aiming system, or cancelled a pre-order as long as they express it in a reasonably mature manner that should be okay.

People need to stop tarring all PC gamers with the same brush and the same goes even for people who have issues with the game, as I said if you express opinions in the right way that should be fine. Whereas insulting all PC gamers is not fine especially when you insult yourself in the process as many have.
And just out of curiosity what is the issue with the aiming system compared to C1?
you know, I know I'm offtopic here.......but I would have REALLY liked if Crysis 2 borrowed the aiming system from Dead Space 2

no reticle, just a laser sight
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:39 am

Well I just want to know what was the difference between C1 and C2 aiming system?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:49 am

Well I just want to know what was the difference between C1 and C2 aiming system?

honestly? I'm not sure

what I know for certain is that in "bauer/Supersoldier" mode there was NO aiming reticle at all...but that's it
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:37 am

good morning hate filled, nerd ragind thread


we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2), Happy now? no? thought so......most of the complainers there will NEVER be happy about anything unless Crytek packages Crysis 1 made with the crytek engine 3, DX11 and just gives it to you as its calling crysis 2

Jesus Christ it's like watching the Dragon age boards all over again with angry people crying because "ZOMG this game is not like BG2"

Edit: note, Dragon Age 2 did the EXACT same thing. Developers are going to do this more and more in the future I believe as a marketing strategy. Also, Should the 360 users start crying foul for each multiplatform game (PS3 and 360 multiplatform) that does NOT make use of Tesselletion since the 360 GPU has tesselletion capabilities and the PS3's does not? (if you do not believe me a quick google search will show you that, yes, it is the truth....Halo Wars was the last title to use it if I remember right)

Come on this is getting ridiculous. Also WTF is wrong with the action bubbles model?

the reason why people complained about Dragon age not being like/similar to BG2 is because they hyped/advertised dragon age as being the 'spiritual successor to baldurs gate'.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:36 am

good morning hate filled, nerd ragind thread


we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2), Happy now? no? thought so......most of the complainers there will NEVER be happy about anything unless Crytek packages Crysis 1 made with the crytek engine 3, DX11 and just gives it to you as its calling crysis 2

Jesus Christ it's like watching the Dragon age boards all over again with angry people crying because "ZOMG this game is not like BG2"

Edit: note, Dragon Age 2 did the EXACT same thing. Developers are going to do this more and more in the future I believe as a marketing strategy. Also, Should the 360 users start crying foul for each multiplatform game (PS3 and 360 multiplatform) that does NOT make use of Tesselletion since the 360 GPU has tesselletion capabilities and the PS3's does not? (if you do not believe me a quick google search will show you that, yes, it is the truth....Halo Wars was the last title to use it if I remember right)

Come on this is getting ridiculous. Also WTF is wrong with the action bubbles model?

the reason why people complained about Dragon age not being like/similar to BG2 is because they hyped/advertised dragon age as being the 'spiritual successor to baldurs gate'.

which it was, it was a Fantasy RPG just not based on the rules setting of DnD.

Granted I will give you that the hard-hardcoe fanbase of that game is TOTALLY ok with permanently losing a companion if he is taken down in battle at the expense of no companion being able to be a key element of the plot. As such something had to give in the "model" used by bioware to handle story and character progression...but aside for that I did not feel cheated out of anything

well until DA2 came out and I realized it is mainly about goddamn politics and set in one SINGLE area the whole game -headdesks several times-

but that is a matter of personal preferences
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:59 am

good morning hate filled, nerd ragind thread


we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2), Happy now? no? thought so......most of the complainers there will NEVER be happy about anything unless Crytek packages Crysis 1 made with the crytek engine 3, DX11 and just gives it to you as its calling crysis 2

Jesus Christ it's like watching the Dragon age boards all over again with angry people crying because "ZOMG this game is not like BG2"

Edit: note, Dragon Age 2 did the EXACT same thing. Developers are going to do this more and more in the future I believe as a marketing strategy. Also, Should the 360 users start crying foul for each multiplatform game (PS3 and 360 multiplatform) that does NOT make use of Tesselletion since the 360 GPU has tesselletion capabilities and the PS3's does not? (if you do not believe me a quick google search will show you that, yes, it is the truth....Halo Wars was the last title to use it if I remember right)

Come on this is getting ridiculous. Also WTF is wrong with the action bubbles model?

we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2) no we don't know **** crytek still haven't told us anything and thats whats pissing me off
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:21 am

crytek still haven't told us anything
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:34 am

good morning hate filled, nerd ragind thread


we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2), Happy now? no? thought so......most of the complainers there will NEVER be happy about anything unless Crytek packages Crysis 1 made with the crytek engine 3, DX11 and just gives it to you as its calling crysis 2

Jesus Christ it's like watching the Dragon age boards all over again with angry people crying because "ZOMG this game is not like BG2"

Edit: note, Dragon Age 2 did the EXACT same thing. Developers are going to do this more and more in the future I believe as a marketing strategy. Also, Should the 360 users start crying foul for each multiplatform game (PS3 and 360 multiplatform) that does NOT make use of Tesselletion since the 360 GPU has tesselletion capabilities and the PS3's does not? (if you do not believe me a quick google search will show you that, yes, it is the truth....Halo Wars was the last title to use it if I remember right)

Come on this is getting ridiculous. Also WTF is wrong with the action bubbles model?

we now know Crysis 2 will be DX11 patched on day one (or day 2) no we don't know **** crytek still haven't told us anything and thats whats pissing me off

yes, we do
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