Crysis 2: How many canceled pre-orders due to Dx11/GFX info?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:36 pm

I just canceled my amazon pre-order. Why? Not that the multiplayers is "bad" but I was quite looking forward to SP.

The news on the USA site all states dx9 only with dx11 later.

It just seems like 2 senarios are at play:
1. No official info due to marketing (NVIDIA 590 annoucement???). Therefore Crytek cannot comment. However, is the $$$ the get from NVIDA worth the presumed loss of faith from the community?
2. They honestly believe this is 90% XBOX/PS3 (ala MW2/COD BOPS) and 10% sales from PC. Therefore the "consolization" is true. If this is the case, then I will get a used or amazon version in 6 months when the DX11 is OUT and working and save some money, play homefront, AC2 Brotherhood, etc.

Here is the problem: What company did Crytek hire to help plan launch strategy. #1 or #2 had to factor in loss of sales.

This is so sad. My most "wanted" game of 2011 (maybe ME3??) is now on my list of "bargain bin pick-ups".
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:41 am

Who cares about DX11, I will play it in good old DX9 if I have to.
I really don't understand why think it won't have DX11 anyway.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:28 pm

Anyone who thinks DX11 is going to make the game take leaps and bounds in visuals is only kidding themselves. Good riddance to these fools.
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:30 am

Let me know if i understood you canceled the pre-order because you think that crysis wont have dx11????? i read that will have and if will throw all the crytek work to the rubbish??? you dont talk seriously
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:03 pm

I think half the problem comes from cryteks total silence on the matter. I'm not cancelling my pre-order i thought the multiplayer was great and if the single player DX9 looks as good as the multi player then i will be a happy chappy
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

i canceld my preorder aswell.

crytek came along with some attitude, asking people to preoder it in change for them releasing a full blown pc game. they broke their word. not only in terms of dx11 but also in regards to dedicated servers. they go the same route as epic games did with ut3. first they announce how it will be the greatest pc game ever and then they realize they can show off how their engine makes shiny shiny consoles games and the result is a half assed pc game and a half assed console game.

if they wanna make shiny consoles games, OK. their decision. they can do that. but then they shouldnt advertise how they respect the pc platform and stuff and then stab us into the back.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:11 am

You guys are nuts

buy the game enjoy it!!! who needs DX11!!!

I doubt Crytek would downgrade their graphics, and if you are judging the graphics by the MP demo you should know that those are not the singleplayer campaign graphics, those levels and stuff were created by the Crytek UK MP studio, the single player is from Crytek Germany!
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:55 pm

yah fanboys keep it on. three month from now you`ll be all playing something else anyways.
quick sale for crytek, but in the long term theyll loose, just like epic games did. its all the same story.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:03 pm

even if I was a PC Gamer I would not care
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:50 pm

I canceled my preorder... well basically postponed because of the changes in gameplay ( how ever you look at it the desition to change the nanosuit was en excuse to adapt the gameplay to consols / same thing was to take the game to New York... buildings actually help block the draw distances in consols compared to the open world in Crysis 1 / Warhead ) and now this silence about how the pc game is going to turn out.

I have no doubt that the game is awesome... every trailer is just beautiful! but the demo felt different. I know it was the xbox 360 ported to pc... i'm just holding off till i see how the pc turns out after its release.

I love Crysis Wars, but since the new fast round/no vehicles/small map thing is just not for me, its singleplayer is what im after now and i would love for it to be as great as Crysis was both gameplay and graphics.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm

I didn't care. Although i better be able to turn off TAA and use real anti aliasing instead in the full game!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:13 am

I'm not buying it on the principle it's a vastly inferior game to the original.
I'd love to see someone make a Crysis 2 mod for Crysis 1 (This is all us PC gamers wanted anyways, but an actual sequel, not this crap we've got.. More like Crysis 0.5)
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:37 pm

Those who say "Who cares about DX11?" do not understand the leaps and bounds DX 11 gives to the visualizations. Just read this and sit back and dream of what DX 11 can be: Then hope that Crytek lives up to their reputation of being on the bleeding edge of graphics and visualizations.

Also, why is it I keep reading that people are expecting this to be released in DX 9? OMG, Crysis and Crysis Warhead was DX 10 capable, so why the step back, I just do not get it. Yeah, I want the DX 11, it is one reason for the "Frank" upgrade to the three GTX 580's, so I would be able to enjoy DX 11 in full eye candy without restriction which took me almost two years to do with the original Crysis and Crysis Warhead (when I finally installed four GTX 285's and was able to play 5980x1080 and 16xQ AA). AA is a BIG deal as well and I certainly hope that the PC version does come out with the ability to control and jack up the AA options for those who have enthusiast level PC's that are dedicated to full hardcoe gaming eye candy. With that said - 13 more days and we can all start talking about what is - not what will it possibly be...........................
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hannah sillery
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:55 am

upgrade to the three GTX 580's..

3 SLI GTX 580?!?!?!?! HOLY $$$hit!!!!
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:59 pm

As big a selling point as graphics are for the Crysis franchise, if that is your reason for buying a game you are anything but a gamer. Believe it or not, there are people who actually play games for story and gameplay, good riddance to thee graphics whores.

I′m primarily a PC gamer and I just do not understand the absolute PC fanboy bullcrap being thrown at Crysis 2 from every which way. Good god, even without DX11 its still going to easily be the best looking game out there now.

Graphics are a nice addition, in terms of grading a game they serve no purpose.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:45 pm

As big a selling point as graphics are for the Crysis franchise, if that is your reason for buying a game you are anything but a gamer. Believe it or not, there are people who actually play games for story and gameplay, good riddance to thee graphics whores.

I′m primarily a PC gamer and I just do not understand the absolute PC fanboy bullcrap being thrown at Crysis 2 from every which way. Good god, even without DX11 its still going to easily be the best looking game out there now.

Graphics are a nice addition, in terms of grading a game they serve no purpose.

Everybody have their taste in what they like... i still play over and over many of the game i have bought because of their stories. But for some... nvm ill speak for my self... for ME, Crysis was a game about gameplay, open world and very nice eyecandy fun, and with crysis 2 i get a different simplified ( feels WAAY more simple and different) gameplay, straight lined world with console limited graphics ( assuming pc will be same as consoles ).

And its not the fact that i hate corridor shooters, a game being simple with a small learning curve or some kickass eye candy engine that wont be run at max till 4 years after its release... Its the fact that Crysis WAS different!

The game looks fun! it really does but its not what it used to be.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:45 pm

Those who say "Who cares about DX11?" do not understand the leaps and bounds DX 11 gives to the visualizations. Just read this and sit back and dream of what DX 11 can be: Then hope that Crytek lives up to their reputation of being on the bleeding edge of graphics and visualizations.

Also, why is it I keep reading that people are expecting this to be released in DX 9? OMG, Crysis and Crysis Warhead was DX 10 capable, so why the step back, I just do not get it. Yeah, I want the DX 11, it is one reason for the "Frank" upgrade to the three GTX 580's, so I would be able to enjoy DX 11 in full eye candy without restriction which took me almost two years to do with the original Crysis and Crysis Warhead (when I finally installed four GTX 285's and was able to play 5980x1080 and 16xQ AA). AA is a BIG deal as well and I certainly hope that the PC version does come out with the ability to control and jack up the AA options for those who have enthusiast level PC's that are dedicated to full hardcoe gaming eye candy. With that said - 13 more days and we can all start talking about what is - not what will it possibly be...........................

Buy AvP2010. Play it with DX11 stuff off then play it with DX11 stuff on. Then realize what a fool you are for thinking DX11 makes a game take "leaps and bounds" in visuals.

DX11 wont be making a large gap in visuals for a while. As it stands right now even things like tessellation are hardly worth enabling. You get an unnoticeable increase in eye candy for a noticable drop in framerate. This is how it stands with games utilizing DX11 right now so dont waste your time posting some showcase garbage.

Who in their right mind is going to turn that on at the cost of 10 frames per second? Until hardware is generally better those are the sort of "DX11 improvements" you are going to see.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:14 pm

tessellation is cool but for me the biggest thing in dx11 is radiosity ( it has other cool stuff under the hood but this one we can really see and interact with ) and the fact that i can create dynamic global illumination. Cryengine 3 and Frostbite 2.0 have it. You can see that in their latest tech demos. Cryengine even demonstrated its power with a room render in realtime with radiosity against the same room render in Mental Ray with lots of minutes per frame to achieve the same effect.

DX11 IS something big and AVP is not the best example. :)

Frostbite 2.0 tech demo ->
Cryengine 3.0 tech demo -> -

Now this is some cool stuff!!!
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:24 am

Canceled preorder due to negative feedback surge in the pc zone and the consolification I'm seeing in the demo. I'll still buy it right after it comes out if the reviewers/forums like the final version. DX11 doesn't matter to me--barely improves visuals in my opinion (mostly a gimmick).
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:11 am

Pc gamers are a bunch of cry babies! Your precious little dx11 is coming in a patch right after launch so quit crying :(
And where do you think the money is at, in pc's? Get real the money is in consoles, maybe if most pc gamers would quit stealing,and hacking things maybe, just maybe they would get a treat once in a while. And I've talked to the developers you guys are playing an early build of this game it's nowhere near the final version so quit judging a demo!
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:27 pm

Pc gamers are a bunch of cry babies! Your precious little dx11 is coming in a patch right after launch so quit crying :(
And where do you think the money is at, in pc's? Get real the money is in consoles, maybe if most pc gamers would quit stealing,and hacking things maybe, just maybe they would get a treat once in a while. And I've talked to the developers you guys are playing an early build of this game it's nowhere near the final version so quit judging a demo!

I'm a PC gamer, and I have to admit that lots of us have been acting like Cry-Babies

(No Pun intended)
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:26 am

Pc gamers are a bunch of cry babies! Your precious little dx11 is coming in a patch right after launch so quit crying :(
And where do you think the money is at, in pc's? Get real the money is in consoles, maybe if most pc gamers would quit stealing,and hacking things maybe, just maybe they would get a treat once in a while. And I've talked to the developers you guys are playing an early build of this game it's nowhere near the final version so quit judging a demo!

Lol So you have talked to the developers and they told you dx11 is being released in a patch?

And not all have played the leaked beta. ( atleast i haven't).

And this has been civilized so far, so please take your head out your ass.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:43 am

My head is by far in my ass, butt munch. If you were on these forums more you would see the continuous whining it's pathetic, and it has been stated in the forums before about dx11 coming in a patch right after launch. And yes last week I played crysis 2 with one of the producers and mp level designers and quite a few more people from Crytek. I'm not trying to be a douche but seriously people need to quit judging a demo it's not the final product,it's like saying I'm not playing cod because it's made by treyarch but I bet you the people that still complain about it still play it because of there friends and because no other shooter has challenged it. The fact that I've heard so many people that play cod, come into crysis 2 and they svck because it's a whole other ball game than a (typical console shooter)!
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:50 am

And where do you think the money is at, in pc's? Get real the money is in consoles
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:42 am

Nice, but do you realize how many times Ea has stuck their foot in their mouth.
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