The news on the USA site all states dx9 only with dx11 later.
It just seems like 2 senarios are at play:
1. No official info due to marketing (NVIDIA 590 annoucement???). Therefore Crytek cannot comment. However, is the $$$ the get from NVIDA worth the presumed loss of faith from the community?
2. They honestly believe this is 90% XBOX/PS3 (ala MW2/COD BOPS) and 10% sales from PC. Therefore the "consolization" is true. If this is the case, then I will get a used or amazon version in 6 months when the DX11 is OUT and working and save some money, play homefront, AC2 Brotherhood, etc.
Here is the problem: What company did Crytek hire to help plan launch strategy. #1 or #2 had to factor in loss of sales.
This is so sad. My most "wanted" game of 2011 (maybe ME3??) is now on my list of "bargain bin pick-ups".