- Improved anti cheats, already a lot of cheater.
- In the list of servers, display servers protect against the cheat.
- Improve the display speed servers and accuracy of information.
- Put a button to update a single server and not all.
- When you receive an invitation to accept or reject notification directly below.
- Reduce latency
- Fix some texture problem or balls not pass through example.
- Integrating a console / menu to manage its server ingame.
- Provide documentation to manage its server.
- Put the players with the same Teamtag on the same team ingame.
Add this:
- Supports DX11
- Executable 64Bits
- Sandbox 3
- Files for dedicated servers to host either the even server.
- Create a LAN party in the game directly.
- An "match/promod" option for the competitions in order to adapt the best methods.
- SLI & CrossFire