Hmmm, this was troubling for me...firstly and most importantly they are clearly communicating a major focus on consoles. Lot's of leading questions into scripted answers. It really sounds like the same type of 'key phrases' they used for C2. I really hope we're not going to see a bunch of the same regurgitated one liners in further interviews. Anyway, the messaging around who they are building the game for is clear, pushing boundaries for PC is not where the game is headed but more toward trying to squeeze what they can out of Xbox and PS3 (I'm not hating on console players here either just speaking from a PC perspective).
A Few more points that worry me:
1 - Absence of stealth seems clear. He mentioned Prophet will take charge, get **** done and that will be the goal in almost every situation you get put in. I may be reading in to it too much but this was the feeling I had in C2 which to me really svcked becuase I love to play stealth like. I hope they do make the game with larger sandbox areas but that isn't the only thing that creates stealth gameplay...or even promotes it. Also, I don't want to feel pushed into a battle every minute of every level.
2 - Layering Nano Suit funtionality? I don't care if they spread out weapons you can get in the game but damn did I hate the cheesy achievement based Nano-suit upgrades in C2. I understand this is really popular with console games but I hate it. I loved having all the nano suit abilies right off the bat in Crysis and they were balanced well enought to really master certain skills and moves. Progressively getting more and more powerful and not getting to utilize the cool **** right from the start svcks to me. If Prophet knows the suit so well and is as badass as they say he'll be....we should have all the badass **** right away...right?
3 - A "tight cohesive experinece with no arbitrary additions." This sound more like..."We are going to limit your options so you play a certain way" to me. Adding this to my list of worries.
Again, maybe I'm reading in to it too much since I'm still bent over C2 and very worried about the third but the communication is very worrying to me. It just doens't seem like real talk...just jibber jabber and if you don't read between the lines you'll be shocked/dissapointed whet the game comes out.
I'll end with a positive note since my reaction to that interview is almost completely dissapointing and I've been whining for a bit now. I do love the idea of the domed nano excelerated rain forest used to clean the alien spores. That sounds killer.