» Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:16 am
i always buy my games like that , never ever had a problem, i only paid $25 for crysis2 , and to be honest im glad as it barely works
plus the developers get the same amount no mater if you pay 60euros or $20, you just cut out all the middle man, and encourage healthy competition
there is the MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) witch is maybe legally or illegally enforced, and those small companies simply ignore that, having such agreement is probably illegal in many countries as it undermines the structure of free competition - and competition is what makes capitalism work, eliminate competition and the system will eventually fail
for now it seems EA let this go on, my guess is because the market share of those small re-distribitours/retailers is still very small, but it they would become large scale that would ruin (and it should, remember competition = healthy capitalism) big time retailers, and then EA it self would have to compete and lower they download pricing, eventually cutting in to they profit... but the developers would get the same, probably even more as lower pricing would = higher amount of sales
in the long run we all win, lower prices, better service, more games sold, less piracy.... and we made all those dino monster companies a run for they money or instinct making room for someone better
to be honest i think this is the only chance to have to survive, just as the music industry went down , then the movie, the gaming would be next, they keep monopolizing the system and raising the prices until piracy or nothing are most peoples only choice and then they are out of business... no way i can afford a $50 or $60 game, not along $100 (future), i haven't rented a video after it was more then $1 and i haven't been to the movies for decades, and i do know anyone who can still afford to go to the movies ever or even rent movies every day