Crysis 3 - No Kill Challange

Post » Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:11 am

Hello, people!

Once brought to life by illserveu for Crysis 2, I thought it would be fun to try this for Crysis 3 as well, so I brought it to you for this new installment:

The Crysis 3 No Kill Challenge!

The rules are simple (credit to illserveu):

- At the start, you get 10.000pts. The time starts ticking when the first human-controlled step is  proceeded.
- For every non-objective kill, you get -4.000 pts.
- The time stops ticking when the screen begin to face out. At this time, you may get two bonus:
   No detected bonus: + 5.000pts.
   No damaged bonus: +2.000pts.
   And the time penalty: -1pt per 1 second.

- The mission must be completed in Post-Human Warrior difficulty. You must start the mission in the Replay-mission option, which give you the default weapon of that level (you don't use much of weapon in this challenge though)
- You can complete the mission with ANY Nanosuit Module you want.
- Game hacks, trainers are prohibited. Game bugs are allowed, but are discouraged. You can complete the mission at any game patch version as you please.

- The "No detected" bonus is cancelled if the stealth meter got maximized by the player.
- The "No damaged" bonus is cancelled when the player is shot by the enemies. Other damage than gun shot (falling damage, explosive damage, ...) is not counted toward this bonus.

So let's start with this:

You can send in videos of yourself playing through one Crysis 3 level, I will gather all the scores and we'll see, who can be the most sneaky person in Crysis 3!

Happy sneakin!


- Post Human: (none)
- Welcome to the Jungle: (none)
- The Root of all Evil: (none)
- Safeties Off: (none)
- Red Star Rising: (none)
- Only Human: (none)
- Gods and monsters: (none)
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:21 pm

Sounds interesting, I'd like to see people attempt this
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Nikki Morse
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