Crysis 2 lacking cheat free servers

Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:21 pm

A recent repulsion that has flared up for me and other players is the amount of hackers that we come across during the Crysis 2 multiplayer experience. There has been countless times where I have been stealthily roaming across the map and someone 'some how' manages to kill me when they are literally in a wall of some sort. The tolerance level for maintaining an endless death streak because a hacker is constantly killing you is very low. Realistically these 'hackers' are destroying the meaning of Crysis 2 online gaming by using numerous hacks such as:
Aim hacking
Instant kill
Wall hacking
Noclip hacking (being able to be anywhere on the map, they are usually found to be inside buildings or brick walls etc.)

It would be extremely appreciated if there was more focus to fixing these exploits that players are using because I think it is safe to say that the Crysis 2 multiplayer fans can only tolerate so much.

Another issue that I have found is how crap the spawns are. Seriously, I have always either spawned in front of the enemy, who without hesitation kills me, or I spawn in the vicinity of an enemy... who usually runs into the room and kills me... I am aware that the maps are pretty small but this can be solved by either fixing the random spawner, or making the maps bigger...
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Misty lt
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:13 am

Totally agree that the priority should be stopping all the darn hacking, especially they seem to love capture the relay on lighthouse. On one server I saw the same guy using hacks three days in a row, he was jut flying around, hip spraying ppl in the head and scored like 30 points.

And yeah, the spawn points seem to be pretty messed up.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:37 am

More important they are lacking A) a server side permaban feature and B) working servers. When the tG2 server is up, we have admins constantly going in and out but the server kicks everyone out. We have just stopped trying to keep our server full because of this issue.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:40 pm

The reason for the blatant cheating is that every server is perfectly accessible without a valid key using a crack.
In short: pirates can play on every server.

That's why you see those intense hacks in use. No one paying 50 bucks would use an "unlimited energy" or noclip hack because the ban is inevitable, it's too bold. Pirates, however, can continue playing even after getting banned so you see a lot of cheaters having fun with their hacks, not even hiding them, destroying others' experience. I'm not saying every pirate is using hacks, I'm saying that cheaters are unstoppable since the game is free to play and bans are easy to evade.

As long as they allow pirates to play on official servers with a simple multiplayer crack, they shouldn't even bother with an anti-cheat system as it won't do anything.

My thread about this issue:
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