Crysis 2 is like a living nightmare

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:10 am

Ok, crysis team and players. I was playing some C2 this evening and I noticed that when I picked up an HMG, I got the acheivement for it even though I had gotten that days before. So I checked my operative status, and I yelled 'WHAT THE ****' because my KDR was wiped, all my game history was gone and I had lost all my skill kill counts. I had basically had all my play stats turned to dust abruptly. I always quit the game using the button, not with alt+f4 or ending the process. And I had, due to the completely retarded information system of Crysis 2 which has already had me buy the same guns about 150 times over and let me run around with perks that had unbought themselves, I had inexplicably lost my all my kill records.

I had tolerated the frustrating loss of purchases and information that had plagued me along with everyone else playing crysis 2, but this was too much. This is what I expect when I'm playing a beta test, not a 110 dollar game. So I go try find crysis 2 support. It tells me I have to use EA support, which I groan at because I know relying on EA is about as clever as giving a child a rifle. So I try log in to EA customer support, with the EXACT information I use for crysis 2, as it asks for my SCREEN NAME. It says invalid info. I scream in frustration. So i have EA email me my screenname. 10 minutes later there is still no email in my inbox. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?!?!??!ONE. Do you see why this is a nightmare to me? I lose all my stats, I cannot log in to Electronic **** because of nothing, and there is no way I can get all I lost back. In fact, I'm being naive to even believe EA will do **** about this. They will just tell me 'they are working on fixing it'. This is total ****.

I want my goddamn KDR back, Crytek. Releasing a game with this broken is completely greedy and irresponsible. Beta test for god sake. Crysis 2 has made me want to kill myself several times over from frustration. I wish I could sue for my 110 dollars back.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:38 am

I agree.

But hey! We're getting dx 11. Doesn't that make up for it(sarcasm)?
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:07 am

Guess we all need to vent frustrations sometime. I feel for ya bro.
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Emilie M
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:42 am

Ok, crysis team and players. I was playing some C2 this evening and I noticed that when I picked up an HMG, I got the acheivement for it even though I had gotten that days before. So I checked my operative status, and I yelled 'WHAT THE ****' because my KDR was wiped, all my game history was gone and I had lost all my skill kill counts. I had basically had all my play stats turned to dust abruptly. I always quit the game using the button, not with alt+f4 or ending the process. And I had, due to the completely retarded information system of Crysis 2 which has already had me buy the same guns about 150 times over and let me run around with perks that had unbought themselves, I had inexplicably lost my all my kill records.

I had tolerated the frustrating loss of purchases and information that had plagued me along with everyone else playing crysis 2, but this was too much. This is what I expect when I'm playing a beta test, not a 110 dollar game. So I go try find crysis 2 support. It tells me I have to use EA support, which I groan at because I know relying on EA is about as clever as giving a child a rifle. So I try log in to EA customer support, with the EXACT information I use for crysis 2, as it asks for my SCREEN NAME. It says invalid info. I scream in frustration. So i have EA email me my screenname. 10 minutes later there is still no email in my inbox. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?!?!??!ONE. Do you see why this is a nightmare to me? I lose all my stats, I cannot log in to Electronic **** because of nothing, and there is no way I can get all I lost back. In fact, I'm being naive to even believe EA will do **** about this. They will just tell me 'they are working on fixing it'. This is total ****.

I want my goddamn KDR back, Crytek. Releasing a game with this broken is completely greedy and irresponsible. Beta test for god sake. Crysis 2 has made me want to kill myself several times over from frustration. I wish I could sue for my 110 dollars back.

Sounds like your playing a lot UNRANKED, search for Ranked only, I had played for 10 hours Unranked and had same thing, you keep rising in level but never get skill points or achievments.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:25 pm

Ok, crysis team and players. I was playing some C2 this evening and I noticed that when I picked up an HMG, I got the acheivement for it even though I had gotten that days before. So I checked my operative status, and I yelled 'WHAT THE ****' because my KDR was wiped, all my game history was gone and I had lost all my skill kill counts. I had basically had all my play stats turned to dust abruptly. I always quit the game using the button, not with alt+f4 or ending the process. And I had, due to the completely retarded information system of Crysis 2 which has already had me buy the same guns about 150 times over and let me run around with perks that had unbought themselves, I had inexplicably lost my all my kill records.

I had tolerated the frustrating loss of purchases and information that had plagued me along with everyone else playing crysis 2, but this was too much. This is what I expect when I'm playing a beta test, not a 110 dollar game. So I go try find crysis 2 support. It tells me I have to use EA support, which I groan at because I know relying on EA is about as clever as giving a child a rifle. So I try log in to EA customer support, with the EXACT information I use for crysis 2, as it asks for my SCREEN NAME. It says invalid info. I scream in frustration. So i have EA email me my screenname. 10 minutes later there is still no email in my inbox. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?!?!??!ONE. Do you see why this is a nightmare to me? I lose all my stats, I cannot log in to Electronic **** because of nothing, and there is no way I can get all I lost back. In fact, I'm being naive to even believe EA will do **** about this. They will just tell me 'they are working on fixing it'. This is total ****.

I want my goddamn KDR back, Crytek. Releasing a game with this broken is completely greedy and irresponsible. Beta test for god sake. Crysis 2 has made me want to kill myself several times over from frustration. I wish I could sue for my 110 dollars back.

Sounds like your playing a lot UNRANKED, search for Ranked only, I had played for 10 hours Unranked and had same thing, you keep rising in level but never get skill points or achievments.
why would u even bother playing unranked? i just play ranked and i never lost anything.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:21 am

Living nightmare? Is Crysis 2 only using 1 CPU core using integrated graphics due to the GPU being resigned to standby?
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:34 am

Living nightmare? Is Crysis 2 only using 1 CPU core using integrated graphics due to the GPU being resigned to standby?

LOL Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:27 am

That sounds like an EA fix, thanks. Or not.

Seriously, I know what game type im playing, during the last 2 weeks ive played unraked about 2 times. The rest clearly said ranked. And in case my OP didnt suggest it, im also re-earning skill kill acheivements I got days ago. So I definately did not accidentaly play unranked for 2 weeks. Im rank 22, there is no way I go to that with 12 kills. This is a Crytek and EA ****, not my mistake. I made sure not to do anything that would risk this happening, even though every other game I've ever played doesnt delete all your stats if you alt-f4 out like Crysis 2 does.

I know some people are having way worse troubles, which only makes it worse. This would never have happened if Crytek had beta tested properly instead of rushing a release to make a quick buck. I've already advised everyone I know not to buy any EA or Crytek products, because clearly the cash comes before the customer for them, and they will pay in future releases.

Give me back my goddamn service record Crytek. Until I see all of my kills, deaths, wins, losses, draws, skill kills, and statistics returned as they were, accounting for the additional stats I've earned in the last 2 days, I will view Crytek as a corporation of theives with no integrity, and I will never again trust their word.

Ffs, why does every so called 'high standard' game firm do this to me? I buy Starcraft 2, and it's an imbalanced lamefest with useless interface and unreasonable policies. I buy Crysis 2, and Crytek turns around and says 'Hahaha, you just bought the equivalent of a terribly scripted, scratched war movie DVD for 110 bucks! ****'

EDIT: I pressed quote to the guy who suggested I had actually been playing unranked games withou knowing it. However the wonderful gamesas forums seemed to have overlooked that.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:44 am

Living nightmare? Is Crysis 2 only using 1 CPU core using integrated graphics due to the GPU being resigned to standby?

LOL Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats my point, because there IS a game out there doing that, and thats not Crysis 2...
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