Hi as most of you know there is problems with the current crysis 2 limited edition. it seems that many players are having the same issue i am which is that the promotional code is either not working. or is working but not adding to the game. after much time and frustration i decided to talk which the EA customer support to find out exactly what is going on. after much discussion the biggest result i got was this. "Philbert: ]please wait fro 24 hrs there is some problem with the web site and lot of other players are facing same issue". so to all those people out there with the same frustration i am having. there is no point getting angry, it gets us know where. all we can do is sit and be patient and let them get on with fixing this problem and other bug/glitch issues.
if you are stuck with some problems with crysis 2 LE. feel free to msg me or post in this forum
It's been like this for four days now, what difference will 24 hours make at this point. At least NOW Crytek has acknowledged the problem, though it was buried quite quickly.
all i can say is, they are flatout trying to deal with customer support. so if people keep flooding there customer support how are they meant to sit down and figure all this **** out
Glad I'm not the only one with this problem. The code has been redeemed but the LE content is not yet available for me. Guess will have to wait and see