.....Reinstall Crysis with CCC 2.1 Mod and Rygel's Texture pack.... I'm already in love with this old game again. Crytek, your silence on the graphics issues shows you don't care about the PC community anymore. Guess you can't really get all the blame. Either way, a yes or no on features coming or not would have been nice. I'm 50/50 on a graphical update but i somehow doubt it since Crysis 2 has been such a success on consoles.....business is business....and following that logic i'm not going to support a company that lies to their Core consumer fanbase. you DID say you were adding features that clearly aren't there...and NOWHERE do you state you will be releasing said features in the future.
oh and Fix the damn bugs....you should have released this game next month not now with all the errors it has...
im returning my game as defective and refunding the replacement i get...you dont deserve the PC Communities money if you're not going to address their biggest concerns.