Crytek guy2: Yes! That’s a great idea! Let’s do what we did with Crysis 1 and use all new technology and blow peoples’ minds!
Crytek guy: Great idea…we will make it bigger and better!
(Couple of months pass)
Crytek guy: Wow this DX11 stuff is complicated, and the game looks good without it, so let’s ditch the DX11?
Crytek guy2: Yae…no one will notice.
(More months pass)
Crytek guy: The game is finally ready for shipping!
Crytek guy2: Yae, there are a couple of bugs but we will have a better idea of what’s causing them when consumers get their hands on the game, I think people are getting impatient.
Crytek guy: Yae, our game is playable so let’s ship it!
(Hate speech hits forums)
Crytek guy: Well people noticed DX11 is not there.
Crytek guy2: Yae…who knew?
Crytek guy: We'll lie about it and tell them it isn’t ready yet and call the boys back we got some programming to do!
Crytek guy2: Wait! We need money to fund this DX11 project, I already blew the money we made from sales of the game on my shiny new car.
Crytek guy: Ok let’s make a DLC!
Crytek guy2: Yes! That’s a great idea! We can use maps from the campaign to save time!
(DLC one is released)
Crytek guy: Fuc|< That didn’t work.
Crytek guy2: Yip, our community is smaller and our fan base is dwindling.
Crytek guy: People clearly want a new weapon!
Crytek guy2: Yes a ne w weapon!
(DLC2 is born)
Crytek guy: Wow there are like 20 people playing this game at the moment.
Crytek guy2: Wow, where did they all go?
Crytek guy: I dunno?
Crytek guy2: At least I have my shiny new car.
Crytek guy: Don’t forget the sales from CryEngine 3 licenses!
Crytek guy2: Yae this was a great success!