» Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:41 am
1. You have to buy DLC in-game.
2. It will send you to gamesas to add a credit/debit card (no paypal available)
3. After payment go to http://www.gamesas.com/redeemcode/
4. Click Purchase History on top left
5. Click on dlcpack1.zip next to "Crysis 2 Map Pack 1" and download 116MB file
(now the fun begins)
do not open the zip file as it will corrupt it.
you now have to find the steam folder crysis 2
im using vista and the folder is stored in:
start > click on your name at top > click on saved games > crysis 2 > dlc (this will be empty) > and drag whole zip file from your download folder into the dlc folder.
close and restart steam.
all done.