Crysis 2 is a massive dissapointment

Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:28 am

Please, stop making these threads. I am getting so sick of responding with the same response. Sell the game. Nobody will care. Go back to Black Ops. 2 words: Constructive Criticism. NOT constant biching.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:40 am

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.

I agree definitely better than COD.

I hope that perhaps when they've patched the game they will be able to support more people per game. A limit of 6 vs6 is too small. Like you said I like bigger battle and would be fun if the brought in more players and larger maps in future DLC.

Bigger battles would be a complete cluster f**K since the spawning is screwed already and also considering the fact it always seems like there is more than 6 people on each team, not to mention it would also limit the maps in each playlist more so than it already does.

Yeah the spawning is broken, but the maps are pretty large considering they had to make them 3 dimesional instead of COD which are bascially flat maps with hills
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:52 pm

Please, stop making these threads. I am getting so sick of responding with the same response. Sell the game. Nobody will care. Go back to Black Ops. 2 words: Constructive Criticism. NOT constant biching.

to him it is constructive criticism!

and i find it funny as if half of you had played Crysis, you would know this game pales in comparison to it!

as Crysis had way better physics, better gameplay over all, Crysis 2 couldnt hold the gamers hands any more if it could, it really is true what PC gamers say, console gamers standards are way lower than theirs, as they allow half-made games.

I mean come on why does PC version have dedicated servers and console ones don't!
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:57 pm

There is a Thread for posting issues with the game in, Post your issues in there and if thats not enough for you and the game really is that bad just go and trade it in or exchange it and quit making thread after thread complaining about the same damn issue over and over.

You do realise when a thread gets a certain number of posts and pages, then it gets notice from the developers?

I.E The thread about the film grain glitch got 35 pages and has been brought to attention, in essence your little repeat threads are nothing but annoyances to the mods and to the general user community on here.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:29 pm

It's c[u]oldp/u] in here.
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Jason White
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:02 pm

Please, stop making these threads. I am getting so sick of responding with the same response. Sell the game. Nobody will care. Go back to Black Ops. 2 words: Constructive Criticism. NOT constant biching.

I'm biching constructively, actually. Go back and read my original post - it's not like I'm slating the game because I don't like what it features. I'm pissed off because this game is NOT what it should be. It needs a patch, end of.

And this is no where near the best FPS ever (for the guy who said it was earlier). Jesus, Far Cry 2 is better, and that was as banol as watching paint dry!

All of you can continue shoving your heads in the sand, but what this 'community' really needs is solidarity: if everyone complained about the lack of finish this game displays, we'd get a result. But the way things are, Crysis 2 is likely to stay as it is, untouched by another patch (I hope I'm wrong!). Pretty soon, you'll see interest drop off, and then it'll litter every bargain bin and preowned section going.

Heck, I'm giving it until Portal 2 comes out - if it's not fixed by then, you can kindly go down to my local GAME and buy my near-perfect condition version for half the goddamned price...
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:30 am

"Your opinion is meaningless, because it's almost completely invented."

That doesn't make any sense. He's entitled to his opinion. It may differ from yours but it is in no way "meaningless." Also "completely invented"? The hell does that mean? I assume you meant he made it up? Well yes, it is HIS OPINION. Get your head out of your ass.
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naome duncan
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:46 am

There is a Thread for posting issues with the game in, Post your issues in there and if thats not enough for you and the game really is that bad just go and trade it in or exchange it and quit making thread after thread complaining about the same damn issue over and over.

You do realise when a thread gets a certain number of posts and pages, then it gets notice from the developers?

I.E The thread about the film grain glitch got 35 pages and has been brought to attention, in essence your little repeat threads are nothing but annoyances to the mods and to the general user community on here.

again you ignore what people are saying, yeah ok ill go trade it in coz your attitude is 'Buy a game, ok it don't work as it should, hey i know lets just wait' if everyone has done what you say by trading it in then people would have no one to play against! most people i know took this back, either swapped it or refunded it. but some of us would like an answer as to why crytek let this get released half complete, dont get me wrong i expect a game to have problems but not like what Ive seen and read on peoples post and then have noticed, and news flash this is suppose to be a triple a Dev, not some half ass company
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