I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.
I agree definitely better than COD.
I hope that perhaps when they've patched the game they will be able to support more people per game. A limit of 6 vs6 is too small. Like you said I like bigger battle and would be fun if the brought in more players and larger maps in future DLC.
Bigger battles would be a complete cluster f**K since the spawning is screwed already and also considering the fact it always seems like there is more than 6 people on each team, not to mention it would also limit the maps in each playlist more so than it already does.
Yeah the spawning is broken, but the maps are pretty large considering they had to make them 3 dimesional instead of COD which are bascially flat maps with hills