Crysis 2 is a massive dissapointment

Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:40 pm

I joined this forum for the soul reason of making this post:

Crysis 2 to opens with the phrase "achieved with Cry-Engine 3", a somewhat misleading statement of pride and spurious intent. The sorry fact is, however, that what has been achieved is so poor that I would have rather waited another six months than play what is, in reality, a waste of DVD plastic.

The truth is, Crysis 2 doesn't run well; thus, making the first achievement "can it run Crysis" all the more ironic (as opposed to the shameless boast the developers intended). Sure, in static screen shots it looks the part, but in motion it is a stuttering mess and there are far too many bugs - all of which contribute to a pervading sense of how unfinished the final build of this game is. I am left asking, how on earth did this pass the numerous stages of assessment before going gold? More to the point, how on earth did this game receive the reviews it did? "The best looking game on consoles - CVG"... I guess someone had their pockets lined...

So far, I've had random crashes, frame rate issues, the pistol silencer bug, enemies running into each other, sound issues, texture pop-in... the list goes on, and yet still no sign of a working patch. I should also mention that I'm only on chapter 3, as the usual sense of immersion video games afford has been broken up so many times it's just not worth my time any more.

Anyway, I am going to take my copy of Crysis 2 and trade it in against Portal 2; which is basically the best use I can think for it. I hope EA and Crytek enjoy my £40, as they won't be getting another penny from me. I feel conned, let down, and despondent. I advise every person who is thinking of getting this game that I meet to think twice before parting with their cash.

I doubt this post will have any effect (considering the mods/developers radio silence over this). They've already made their cash, so why waste any of it on those who actually brought the game, right??
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:51 am

are there not already enough threads like this?

did you really need to make a new one?
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:37 pm

Yes, I feel I did. And, yes, I've read those other posts.

I believe this is a way for me to vent my frustration. There is nothing in the rules that states threads like this cannot exist.

I hate feeling screwed over and I want Crytek to know. I've also emailed them, and will post any replies (if I even get one) here.

Companies should NOT be able to get away with providing customers with false claims and broken products - especially when you're paying top money for them. Either Crytek fix the issues outlined in my post, or I will have nothing further to do with them. If everyone took this attitude, I think companies would think twice before putting out half-baked products, for in the long term, they will be the ones that will suffer.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:53 pm

Complete crap.

The game looks great, you're inventing things that either don't or barely exist, and your custom will not be missed.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:53 am

I'm not doubting the fact the game looks great (in stills). But if you're deluded enough to think this is worth full price, I think that says more about you than it does about me.

Basically, I'm guessing you're one of those die hard fans, who has been, prior to release, telling their friends that Crysis 2 is THE best video game EVAR -- trouble is, now you've got to stick to your guns (metaphorically speaking - I mean, you try sticking the silencer onto the pistol and see how long it stays there...) and keep up the charade...
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:09 am

I joined this forum for the soul reason of making this post:

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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:17 pm

You just said your going to trade in crysis for Portal.....right then. This games not an epic failure my friend it has issues that need sorting. And despite all these issues im still loving the game. People need to lower thier expectations of this game because its not going to be CoD standard straight away. I feel ive posted alot over the past few days also venting my anger....but its pointless and it wont make the Devs sort the problems quicker. Maybe because people are complaining so much and finding so many new problems they are just waiting for these issues to build up and from there they can make one hell of a massive patch
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:09 pm

I joined this forum for the soul reason of making this post:


Yeh, I'm dyslexic, mate. What's that got to do with Crysis 2? I'd call you a pedant, if I thought you knew what it meant.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:19 am

You just said your going to trade in crysis for Portal.....right then. This games not an epic failure my friend it has issues that need sorting. And despite all these issues im still loving the game. People need to lower thier expectations of this game because its not going to be CoD standard straight away. I feel ive posted alot over the past few days also venting my anger....but its pointless and it wont make the Devs sort the problems quicker. Maybe because people are complaining so much and finding so many new problems they are just waiting for these issues to build up and from there they can make one hell of a massive patch

I don't play or like COD. I like a decent single player experience. And why the hell should I (or you for that matter) have low expectations? I paid my £40 and I want a game that works.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:02 am

No, I am not a die hard fan. I never played a Crysis title before this, and only got it because nothing else was out.

I am however am sick of these delusional people like yourself who keep acting like the world has ended over issues that are largely imaginary. I'm at level 46 in MP, and mission 16/19 in SP, and have encountered almost no graphical issues, and in motion it's arguably the best looking 360 game there is.

Your opinion is meaningless, because it's almost completely invented.
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:50 am

Lower your expectation because if not then we get people ranting like your doing now. I cant say anything about the single player cuz im half way through and havent experienced any bugs. Why are people moaning about a little thing like the silenced pistol anyway when you get other silenced weapons....just use one of them till the game gets fixed. If you had a high expectation then it explains why your so pissed.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:58 am

I'm at level 46 in MP, and mission 16/19 in SP, and have encountered almost no graphical issues, and in motion it's arguably the best looking 360 game there is.

Your opinion is meaningless, because it's almost completely invented.

Riiiiiight... You must be playing something else. Either that, or you're incredibly lucky. Why not take some time to explore the Crysis world; the bugs don't take long to find (or stumble upon, as I regularly do).

Defend this game all you want, it still doesn't change the fact that it's half finished, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

And on my 'opinion' - I'd hardly call random crashes, numerous AI glitches, pop-in, weapons bugs, etc, OPINION. And I'm not going to make videos of all the glitches in this game because, firstly, I have a life, and, secondly, there are simply too many bugs to capture.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:59 pm

Lower your expectation because if not then we get people ranting like your doing now. I cant say anything about the single player cuz im half way through and havent experienced any bugs. Why are people moaning about a little thing like the silenced pistol anyway when you get other silenced weapons....just use one of them till the game gets fixed. If you had a high expectation then it explains why your so pissed.

Put it this way, if you paid a reasonable sum for a brand new toaster, but it frequently burnt only one side of every other piece of bread you put in it, would you be okay with that?
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:28 am

This a game I would Severely reccomend trying before buying. If you think you can put up with the flaws then go for it.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:57 pm

No id use my grill....fact is your making these problems seem like they are game breaking...they are niggles nothing more. Music **** stupid AI dissapearing weapons ect....all can be i said when they get round to it. Question is though why pay 40 quid for a single player game. That in itself is wasting money. I personally try to buy games that have longevity....or at least give you the illusion that it has (cough prestige cough)
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:41 pm

I joined this forum for the soul reason of making this post:


Yeh, I'm dyslexic, mate. What's that got to do with Crysis 2? I'd call you a pedant, if I thought you knew what it meant.

Don't bring that up as an excuse. Fake disease IMO. Still a fail.

Anyway back on topic. Yeah the PC version is a port, unfortunately. But it's still a great looking product.

Also I haven't heard any other PC users having issues you're mentioning, so...
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Grace Francis
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:33 pm

No id use my grill....fact is your making these problems seem like they are game breaking...they are niggles nothing more. Music **** stupid AI dissapearing weapons ect....all can be i said when they get round to it. Question is though why pay 40 quid for a single player game. That in itself is wasting money. I personally try to buy games that have longevity....or at least give you the illusion that it has (cough prestige cough)

Each to his own. I like to play through a single player campaign more than once. And when you work out time for money, generally speaking video games provide more bang for buck than most films.

I never said these problems were game breaking. My issue is more with the fact EA and Crytek thought it would be fine to release a high profile game like this in its current state; further, the fact the game ACTUALLY BOASTS about its level of quality on more than one occasion - which I take as as insult to the consumer.

Sure, you could overlook all of its flaws, but then why should you have to? Would games like Uncharted 2, or Gears of War 2 receive the same praise had they been released in a similar condition? I doubt it.

So where do we go from here? Well, Crytek either patch the issues (promptly), or I'm never buying another product built by them. 'Nuff said.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:47 pm

Don't bring that up as an excuse. Fake disease IMO. Still a fail.

Anyway back on topic. Yeah the PC version is a port, unfortunately. But it's still a great looking product.

Also I haven't heard any other PC users having issues you're mentioning, so...

The more you talk, the more you display your ignorance. Fake disease? It's not even a disease; try CONDITION.

And 'back on topic'? Where the hell did I mention anything about this game on PC? This isn't even the right forum.

You know, I'd be nice for you to fall back on a CONDITION, but I'm afraid you're just thick, plain and SIMPLE.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:37 am

I joined this forum for the soul reason of making this post:

Crysis 2 to opens with the phrase "achieved with Cry-Engine 3", a somewhat misleading statement of pride and spurious intent. The sorry fact is, however, that what has been achieved is so poor that I would have rather waited another six months than play what is, in reality, a waste of DVD plastic.

The truth is, Crysis 2 doesn't run well; thus, making the first achievement "can it run Crysis" all the more ironic (as opposed to the shameless boast the developers intended). Sure, in static screen shots it looks the part, but in motion it is a stuttering mess and there are far too many bugs - all of which contribute to a pervading sense of how unfinished the final build of this game is. I am left asking, how on earth did this pass the numerous stages of assessment before going gold? More to the point, how on earth did this game receive the reviews it did? "The best looking game on consoles - CVG"... I guess someone had their pockets lined...

So far, I've had random crashes, frame rate issues, the pistol silencer bug, enemies running into each other, sound issues, texture pop-in... the list goes on, and yet still no sign of a working patch. I should also mention that I'm only on chapter 3, as the usual sense of immersion video games afford has been broken up so many times it's just not worth my time any more.

Anyway, I am going to take my copy of Crysis 2 and trade it in against Portal 2; which is basically the best use I can think for it. I hope EA and Crytek enjoy my £40, as they won't be getting another penny from me. I feel conned, let down, and despondent. I advise every person who is thinking of getting this game that I meet to think twice before parting with their cash.

I doubt this post will have any effect (considering the mods/developers radio silence over this). They've already made their cash, so why waste any of it on those who actually brought the game, right??
Agree!!!! I was really hoping for a awesome MP experience, I ended up getting frustration and odd environment pop ups and funky shadow effects.. Campaign was okay, MP was pure doo doo!!! In otherword, ****! :)
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:37 am

Cool story bro
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:20 pm

The game is Great.

When patched it will be Amazing. End of.

Please closed this thread I'm sick of seeing the same post over and over. The OP could have just wrote his opinion in a pre-existing thread.

If this game is awful, then like someone else said here you need to lower your standards. This is my fave shooter ever and I've played quite a few.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:21 pm

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:52 pm

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.

I agree definitely better than COD.

I hope that perhaps when they've patched the game they will be able to support more people per game. A limit of 6 vs6 is too small. Like you said I like bigger battle and would be fun if the brought in more players and larger maps in future DLC.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:28 pm

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.

I agree definitely better than COD.

I hope that perhaps when they've patched the game they will be able to support more people per game. A limit of 6 vs6 is too small. Like you said I like bigger battle and would be fun if the brought in more players and larger maps in future DLC.

Bigger battles would be a complete cluster f**K since the spawning is screwed already and also considering the fact it always seems like there is more than 6 people on each team, not to mention it would also limit the maps in each playlist more so than it already does.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:02 pm

I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, going to do it again if the AI is improved in that last patch. Multiplayer has improved too. Don't like as much as BFBC2 (I like bigger battles) but it is miles ahead of COD, although ripped it off quite a bit, find it a far more exciting game. Unfortunately there may not be enough to keep me coming back once battlefield 3 is out, but I am enjoying splitting my time between this & BFBC2.

I agree definitely better than COD.

I hope that perhaps when they've patched the game they will be able to support more people per game. A limit of 6 vs6 is too small. Like you said I like bigger battle and would be fun if the brought in more players and larger maps in future DLC.

Larger maps a must, alot of the current ones feel small to me as it is.
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