Crysis 2 to opens with the phrase "achieved with Cry-Engine 3", a somewhat misleading statement of pride and spurious intent. The sorry fact is, however, that what has been achieved is so poor that I would have rather waited another six months than play what is, in reality, a waste of DVD plastic.
The truth is, Crysis 2 doesn't run well; thus, making the first achievement "can it run Crysis" all the more ironic (as opposed to the shameless boast the developers intended). Sure, in static screen shots it looks the part, but in motion it is a stuttering mess and there are far too many bugs - all of which contribute to a pervading sense of how unfinished the final build of this game is. I am left asking, how on earth did this pass the numerous stages of assessment before going gold? More to the point, how on earth did this game receive the reviews it did? "The best looking game on consoles - CVG"... I guess someone had their pockets lined...
So far, I've had random crashes, frame rate issues, the pistol silencer bug, enemies running into each other, sound issues, texture pop-in... the list goes on, and yet still no sign of a working patch. I should also mention that I'm only on chapter 3, as the usual sense of immersion video games afford has been broken up so many times it's just not worth my time any more.
Anyway, I am going to take my copy of Crysis 2 and trade it in against Portal 2; which is basically the best use I can think for it. I hope EA and Crytek enjoy my £40, as they won't be getting another penny from me. I feel conned, let down, and despondent. I advise every person who is thinking of getting this game that I meet to think twice before parting with their cash.
I doubt this post will have any effect (considering the mods/developers radio silence over this). They've already made their cash, so why waste any of it on those who actually brought the game, right??