Just purchased it today (via Steam) - and it crashes all the time on loading screens - I can't get past the start cinematic just after Alcatraz gets shot by the alien craft under the water, then cuts to a loading screen, gets about 75% of the way and I get a black screen; I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to get past it and everything crashes with Crysis (Steam, any other open application at the time; firefox). I start a new campaign and I get a bit further - again crashing on loading screens. I disable DX11, reduce the GFX level - still crashes. I uninstall the game, re-install - still crashes.
i7-950 / 6GB / HD6950 (Latest Drivers) / Win7 x64 (Up to date) / Sophos AV (Steam+Game directory excluded)
My PC works perfectly well at full Gfx; 2560x1440 with any other game (CSS, D3, MW2, MW3, Crysis 1, L4D etc...) - not a single issue, very smooth. What is wrong with this one? How do I fix this? I see HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of posts across the net of Crysis 2 being unstable and crashing - no one seems to know how to fix it. If I can't play this, then I want a refund.