Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Compatible Mod maldohd

Post » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:04 am

Everyone who can't use mods with origin Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, download maldohdv4 beta, it's a mod that almost replaces every texture in the game with insane hig hers textures that have 0 blockyness. Tons of pics on maldo's blog . Keep in mind it replaces and is 1-2GB in size, but its well worth it's. just follow his steps on his site as maldohd creates a shortcut for crysis 2 which you use instead of reg launcher. If you are having problems, watch youtube install videos. I suggest min vid card be a nvidia Gtx 660 and up.

My rig

Alienware x51
Intel i7 3770
16GB DDR3 1600MHz
Nvidia GTX 670 2GB EVGA FTW Edition
2Tb hd
Blurry burner
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Mark Hepworth
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