crysis 2 maximum edition crashed after loading screen

Post » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:18 pm

I bought the game from steam and after i swim out of the submarine it freezes and turns into black screen got to do ctrl alt del to get out and see it has crashed as long with any other program active at the time.

my specs: I5-2500k upped from 3.3 to 4.5ghz.
1x AMD HD7950 upped to 1050-1325 mhz
16gb DDR3 ram 1600 mhz
1x ssd 64gb drive for windows
1x ssd 256gb drive for games.
1x harddrive 1,5tb for general stuf.
1x titanium sound card 7.1 support.
1x 3D pc screen.
1x a watercooling system and 5 big fans.
Average Celcius is around 30-45 at active stands.
1x 850 watt powersupply.

I cannot figure out what could causes the issue anyone knows?

GR Gaelwyn
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