I played the entire campaign and a significant amount of time in multiplayer for Crysis 2 (on Xbox 360). However, the campaign always had me itching for the soldier AI to be my friend playing instead, and at one time where an onslaught of aliens barrage the soldiers' held position, the experience felt like a brief, wasted moment where instead a 4 player survival mode could have been implemented. It's disappointing that also while some people call the hunter mode co-op, this game seems that it will once again exclude aliens from multiplayer, and all the single player epic AI alien battle moments will either be friends watching each other play or describing it to their friends (I've done both, and neither experiences were fun). If a dev could please let me know whether they have any plans for an onslaught/survival co-op mode, and if not then why, that would be great. It'll also decide whether or not I'm getting this game, since in my opinion these games lose re playability with a mission-based single player campaign getting old quickly and eventual multiplayer servers not finding enough players within half a year of it's release. If anyone else has similar sentiments, please agree below for support to get it implemented!!! If a wave-based mode was implemented, that would be all it needs, just with campaign map sets.