» Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:57 am
75% of Crysis 1
-Power Struggle,
-nozoom fire,
-good lasersight,
-sprint at sides (strafe),
-no lagged weapons,
-precise dsg,
-laser to the dsg,
-sprint without speedmode,
-ftp access,
-free mods,
-rank/prestige system in powerstruggle,
-nuclear weapons,
-normal bazooke,
-fast reload of heavy weapons
-the possibility of crawling,
-Punk Buster,
-ability to modify weapons attachments during the game
-weapon menu like in singleplayer,
-inertia customization,
-complete lack of killstreaks and perks (IT'S NOT CALL OF DUTY!).
This 25% of Crysis 2 is:
-catching the edges
-pro mode
-depreciation of a fall from a height
-awesome binoculars (better than Crysis 1)
-spot system
I pretty much agree with this list. But if you were putting a % figure on what this list represents, a % on meaningful gameplay mechanics from C1 vs C2, I'd say it looks more like 85-90% C1 to 15-10% C2. Which would be just fine by me. To me most of the features listed for C2 are nice little features, emphasis on little, and doesn't represent a meaningful improvement to the crysis franchise's gameplay.
I want to ask people who want a combination of both, what they feel C2 does better than C1 as far as core gameplay goes. because as far as I'm concerned C2 FPS gameplay represents a downgrade in just about every way to C1. Enemy variety is possibly 1 point I'd give to C2