Am i the only one that's concerned about crysis 3 multiplayer ??? I mean so far all we have seen are small "call of duty esque " maps and a low 16 player count....what happened to the big, wide crysis 1 maps ? Vehicles and power struggle ? not to mention 32 player count. i might be wrong but it seems like Crytek is repeating the same mistakes they made with crysis 2, and with only a few months left i doubt they will make any major changes...
If anyone from crytek reads this (which i doubt ) please bring back big maps like mesa , bring back vehicles (air and ground ) , bring back power struggle , Raise the player cap and Please add custom map support for Multiplayer. Lets Bring crysis back to its glory Days !!!!!!

P.S here is some Crysis 1 multiplayer gameplay for those who don't know what i am talking about: