» Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:13 pm
I no longer have iisues since the new cap but bor those that still have flickering or Crossfire performance issues, this worked for me:
I have the RETAIL version. I have 2 Radeon HD 6950s in 3-monitor, Eyefinity mode set@5760x1080.
What worked for me:
1. Renamed launch file BACK to Crysis 2.exe (from Fear.exe)
2. Installed Crysis 2 patch
3. Replaced AMD CCC to 11.3 w/11.3 CAP1
CCC Settings:
1. Anti-Aliasing: Use app settings (uncheck Morphological filtering) Filter:standard
2. Anisotropic: 16x
3. Tessellation: AMD Optimized
***4. Catalyst A.I set to PERFORMANCE and UNCHECK Enable Surface Format Optimization
Step 4 is probably the heart of the flickering issue. It will either eliminate the flickering OR reduce it significantly. If you still have flickering, try reducing your resolution a little.
**Step 1 and the following will increase your framerate significantly:
5. Verticle Refresh: OFF unless app specifies - Turn ON V-Sync within the game settings. (Flickering will still occur if you don't turn on V-Sync within game)
6. AA Mode: Multi-sample
7. OpenGL: Check Triple Buffering
9. Install Radeon Pro & create new profile using the Crysis 2.exe file
10. Leave everything unchecked under the Visual Tab
11. Advance Tab: Force Triple Buffering, Trilinear Optimization & Texture Filtering Quality (slider set to High Quality)** are checked
**Note-This turns the Catalyst AI back on
12. Tweaks Tab: Triple buffering & Disable Aero is checked
NOTE: I did not need to use an AA Profile or Crossfire profile under Tweaks.
LASTLY: Click the GLOBAL button at top of Radeon Pro and ensure the settings under Visual and Advance tabs match your CCC settings.
After these adjustments, if you still have flickering, you may have to restart the game or your PC.
I get 45-75FPS@5760x1080 on Extreme.
I get 35-45FPS@6036x1080 on Extreme.
My sweet spot is 45-65FPS@6036x1080 on Very High.
With the new cap & w/o using Radeon Pro, I get 68FPS (avg) with built-in software AA, V-Sync, Very High settings @ 5760x1080.
My system:
Desktop:CPU: Intel i7 920 overclocked@3.8Ghz, Memory: 12GB G.Skill DDR3 1600, Graphics: 2xHIS Radeon HD 6950 2GB 256bit PCIe 2.1x16, Mobo: ASRock X58 Extreme6, Case: Antec 902, PSU: Thermaltake TR2 RX 850w HDD: 180GB OCZ-Agility2 SSD, 4x1TB WD Sata 6Gb/sec Hdd, 1x500GB Maxtor Sata 3GB/sec Hdd, Ext. WD Element 1.5TB Hdd