Crysis 2 Multi GPU support causes insane flickering.

Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:21 am

Fix it
Fix it
Fix it
Fix it
Fix it
Fix it
Fix it
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:17 am

How did i get svckered into to responding to this....

I would recommend someone use a newer driver because it is improved over the older driver (herp derp)? You realize that WHQL drivers have to go through a lengthy testing process by microsoft before they will approve them. So when you see these "new" drivers on AMD's site they weren't just created that day.

I'm sorry did you recommend they use 11.3 and i embarrassed you by recommending 11.4?

I see people in here expecting to see results from 11.3 drivers like they will somehow have a fix that the 11.4's don't have. Sure if you want stability go with the 11.3, if you want the latest attempts at performance use the beta/hotfix/preview drivers.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about and I'm sure calling me 'dumb' really adds to credibility.

But hey don't take my word for it, take the word from the guy who works on the drivers;

Yes - the Catalyst 11.4 file from March 23 is the newest file, and I highly recommend using that driver. -
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:49 am

this is my Hardware setup:
Cpu: i7 920 3,7 ghz
3 gb ram 1540 mhz
Mobo asRock deluxe 3 x58
Sli of 2 Gtx 560 Ti Gainward GS 900 mhz
SO win 7 32 bits
crysis2 from steam
all work on 120 FPS AVG in full Hd asus vh 222d
Nvidia Drivers 167,26 beta with sli profile 167,26 beta

but only on thing: i can't play with MSAA enabled because this make a hard circle flickering on my screen

on My Hardware setup this autoexec.CFG (using Crysis2AdvancedGraphicsOptions 1.6) work pretty good :

when i don't use Crysis2AdvancedGraphicsOptions 1.6 and i run the game with very high graphics setup,
the MSAA work without the flickering.
Now i don't know if it's the nvidia driver problem or crysis2 CFG runs bad; anyway i'am waiting on a real Stable solution from Nvidia+Crytek
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:26 am

How did i get svckered into to responding to this....

I would recommend someone use a newer driver because it is improved over the older driver (herp derp)? You realize that WHQL drivers have to go through a lengthy testing process by microsoft before they will approve them. So when you see these "new" drivers on AMD's site they weren't just created that day.

I'm sorry did you recommend they use 11.3 and i embarrassed you by recommending 11.4?

I see people in here expecting to see results from 11.3 drivers like they will somehow have a fix that the 11.4's don't have. Sure if you want stability go with the 11.3, if you want the latest attempts at performance use the beta/hotfix/preview drivers.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about and I'm sure calling me 'dumb' really adds to credibility.

But hey don't take my word for it, take the word from the guy who works on the drivers;

Yes - the Catalyst 11.4 file from March 23 is the newest file, and I highly recommend using that driver. -

So that lengthy testing is just for show? why do you think MS has to approve them you idiot? STABILITY MAYBE?!? HMMM... i too follow catalystcreator and seen that post. but ffs, you are trying to argue the newer drivers (including betas) are always better than an older (but WHQL tested) one?! man are you stupid. it just so happens that i went to disable CFX with the march 23 11.4 Cats, and i got a frozen and distorted screen followed by a BSOD - twice. guess what? i went back to the OFFICIAL 11.3 Cats, and they were perfect. so go eff yourself, and go google what beta means. i dont even know why you're recommending a driver that doesnt even fix the flickering. it seems you read what catalystcreator (Andrew) said, and you think cuz he works for AMD, then he must be right, and you couldnt get here fast enough to "recommend" this magic driver. he also said installing the 11.3 CAP1's would work for Steam users. they didnt. he also said retail box users would only need to rename the Crysis2.exe to Fear.exe. also didnt work. did you also read what he said about that? but newer is better according to you. sure the 11.4 release notes have more improvements than the OFFICIAL 11.3's, but that dont mean **** when they havent been fully tested, and dont fix the flickering. lol... newer is better...

Intel Sandy Bridge B2 chipset comes to mind. fucccing moron.

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Dj Matty P
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:55 pm

You're an idiot.
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naome duncan
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:26 am

5850 in crossfire with 11.4 is not working either.

this is beginning to be foolish..

It's like funcom and age of conan!
No sli/crossfire there either.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:08 am

You're an idiot.

lol, you got served!
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:09 am

My point was that microsoft was probably 'testing' these drivers before Crysis 2 even came out. Crytek puts in some last minute changes and borks crossfire.

If the 11.4's don't work then you can be sure the 11.3's won't.

I already recommended the 11.3 for stability. I said if you are looking for a fix then use the latest ones. And the 11.4 previews are hardly new news. I also know the 11.4's don't fix anything, that will hopefully come in a future CAP.

So i'm just going to take all your insults and hand them back to you:

FFs you are an idiot, man you are stupid, so go eff yourself, fucccing moron, go get an education. lol you got served.
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:38 am

a new CAP is being worked on right now for both versions of Crysis 2 (steam and retail), as well as NFS Shift 2. just try to be patient.

so many cheaters now (super speed, massive explosions), even if the CAPs were out today and fixed the flickering, i'd still have to wait for the patch from Crytek to drop the hammer on cheaters. Crytek sounds pissed, so hopefully they can get rid of them SOB's, without messing with legit users.
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:04 am

I said if you are looking for a fix then use the latest ones..

a fix for what exactly?
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:16 pm

A fix for anything not working in the current drivers?

That's kind of the point of making new drivers, to fix things that don't work, improve performance and add features.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:01 am

A fix for anything not working in the current drivers?

That's kind of the point of making new drivers, to fix things that don't work, improve performance and add features.

does it fix the flickering everyone here including me are pissed about? no, so how are you helping?
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:10 am

By helping them not waste their time installing old drivers in hopes of a solution to THIS problem?

For the same reason everyone comes here to report if something works or not?

I'm done wasting space in this topic arguing with you.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:51 pm

K, just to get this back into useful territory, Here's the rundown for my situation.

I'm running this:

Gigabyte x58A-UD9 motherboard; i7 980x CPU; 12gb 3channel ddr3 2000cas 9 (3x4gb); 3x gtx480 SLI; 1x gts450 (physX and 4th display);1500W silverstone Strider PSU;Areca 1880i Raid adapter


I have 2 issues mainly. Both seem related to the way that the SLI is handling the post-processing, like it's not sharing the rendering properly.

The motion-Blur is an easy spot to see this in action. Here's 2 SS, one with SLI disabled and the second with it enabled. Note how odd the effect is with SLI.

Blur looking normal, SLI disabled

Blur looking like a trailing ghost-image with SLI enabled. (not nice)

The second issue involves shadows flickering on and off as my view moves. Here's a youtube vid showing it. (youtube conversion to 30 fps makes it appear a bit less flickery)

Now I have tried every Nvidia driver in existance from the last 6 months as well as all the tweaks and tips in this thread. The only thing that fixes it is disabling my SLI which is not an option if I want to play this at 5760x1080 or in 3dVision.
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:52 am

By helping them not waste their time installing old drivers in hopes of a solution to THIS problem?

yea, cuz installing video card drivers is sooooo time consuming. do you even know how long this flicker issues has been going on? here's a hint... SINCE DAY ONE!!! wow... are you even experiencing the flicker issue, or were you just looking for a place to parrot what catalystcreator tweeted? funny thing is, he didnt say the new 11.4's would fix the flickering, yet here you are. oh yea, where can i get your gift of knowing something doesn't work without even trying it? see how many pages this thread is? 64. and you dont want people to waste their time with the 11.3 Cat's cuz YOU said so? LMAO. we are desperate. installing a new driver, WHQL or Preview, is nothing compared to being left in the dark on the progress of this issue since March 22nd.

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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:22 pm

CatalystCreator - "we're trying to get a better CAP for Crysis2(all versions) as well as Shift 2 - will let you know once we have something."
10 minutes ago via TweetDeck
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:51 am

CatalystCreator - "we're trying to get a better CAP for Crysis2(all versions) as well as Shift 2 - will let you know once we have something."
10 minutes ago via TweetDeck

he actually tweeted that 15 hours ago.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:26 am

I think the flickering caused by something at 3D. There was a video where a guy shown CryEngine3 sandbox, the screen was flickering, but not through the glass.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:57 pm

Nvidia confirms the problem is with the application and not the drivers.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:32 am

Nvidia confirms the problem is with the application and not the drivers.
Actually Crysis 2 doesn't use the nVidia 3D, it's by the engine.
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:20 am

This has nothing to do with 3d man, where did you come from bringing junk to this thread it has enough.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:30 am

Nvidia confirms the problem is with the application and not the drivers.

interesting. it appears to me EA is not interested in letting us know who's fault it actually is. nVIDIA says its the game, AMD is working on Crossfire profiles, and EA aint sayin nothin.
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:10 pm

this is getting tiresome, checking these forums twice every day for over a week

effin patch this issue already
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:50 pm

With my 5970, I've tried catalyst 11.2, 11.3 and the various 11.4 preview builds with the latest CAP. Flickering is basically gone but performance has gone down to single-card levels. That's not a solution.

I'm using the fear.exe profile with radeon pro. Performance is better but is still not where it should be.

This is crazy, why weren't multi-gpu's tested during development?

Check out DICE's view on slide 37 ( That's how it should be.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:38 pm

Crossfire issue, look at this third party program and works for me with CF:

Or add this into system.cfg (change what ever you want in there);


You can find system.cfg in your Crysis 2 folder.
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