» Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:18 am
I believe Crysis 2 is a victim of circumstance, example COD and BBC2 are undeniably two of the best FPS on the market at the moment. They ask one simple thing of you and that is to shoot!
Crytek in my opinion struck gold with the nano suit but for many the very idea of being able to go invisible in a FPS has cheat written all over it. It′s bad enough being dropped when you are on a 7 kill streak but being killed even once from someone who is invisible is going to put some players off the game.
Crytek have a top rate game with Crysis 2. The maps are brilliant in design and graphics, the player movement is one of the most fluid I have ever played so far. You can really tell that the Timesplitters team have there mark all over the multiplayer.
At first Assault mode seems utterly unfair unless that is you actually play Crysis enough to master the nano suit to it′s full potential. Then you truly see the balancing that has gone into that mode. Kudos to all involved for that one.
Crytek offered the ultimate soldier with the nano suit and I believe they succeeded in doing so. BUT what I can′t understand is why not have the ability to create your own public ranked and unranked server with a minimum of 6 ppl to start. Warhawk did it and it worked fine.
Also modes such as PRO were only unlock-able at rank 39, or so I′v been told, and I think that is way to long for a hardcoe mode, maybe rank 20 would have been better.
Crytek have taken away Crysis 2 in it′s most purist and raw form. Pro mode and classic mode, both gone. Why? The game hasen′t been out for that long, it didn′t give people a chance to get bored of there old games to go and try Crysis. Let′s face it, there are alot of top titles out at the moment.
Example, I started Crysis two weeks ago after getting bored of COD and BBC2 and Crysis can certainly match these two. Yet in Crisis I am unlocking game modes that I can′t use, WTF?
I payed 7.99 for the decimation map pack which are only stand alone maps, Why?
If it was so important to delete half your game modes to please a few people, could you not have at the very least kept a kind of mosh pit of maps for both PRO and CLASSIC. The very fact that Crytek have taken these modes away is going to put new players off even more!
I spent alot of time trying to rank up to play these modes, same goes for my friends, only to find out that Crytek have taken them away......excellent game but feel very cheated. Pro mode would have been the pinnacle of this game for me and my friends.
Quote: Please pretty please with a cherry on top GIVE US PRO AND CLASSIC BACK with team mosh pit maps/modes!