Our reporter got some hands-on time with Crysis 2 multiplayer at Gamescom. Here are the seven most important things you need to know about:
? Features six multiplayer modes – EA is showing two at Gamescom: Team Instant Action (team deathmatch) and Crash Site (king of the hill).
? There will be 12 maps at launch, all set in New York.
? Your character is customisable in the same way he is in the single player game. Special powers are activated by holding down the right bumper.
? Two maps have been demoed – “Rooftop Gardens” and “Impact”. Rooftop Gardens take place on the top of a skyscraqer, while Impact takes places on two buildings that have collapsed on one another.
? Our reporter tells us that the Crysis 2 multiplayer, “feels like TimeSplitters but in a good way. They are quick and smart with lots of potential for finding different routes through them depending on how you customise your suit.”
? Two sides in each match are Marines and Cell. Marines is the side you play in the single-player game, EA is not saying anything about the Cell side – this will be revealed in the single player story.
? Similar to Modern Warfare, there are five preset classes with five custom classes. There are also ‘Rank Modes’ for your NanoSuit. There are 80 general ranks.
Aside from the Call of Duty references, i like this a lot!