The game mode looks cool but the gameplay still looks exactly like C2...
Lean, Prone, Speed...hard to tell how big the maps actually are, vehicles etc. Cloak was way over used again as well and I'm telling you, put lean/prone/speed back in there with some silenced weapons and you'll be able to play with some real sneaky style.
It's also unclear how high you could climb. Crysis 2 was heavily marketed as you being able to go verticle but you almost never got to climb more than 1 level high.
Honestly the Bow is getting old already too, I want to see some silenced pistols or something new like sticky video cameras or being able to hide underwater and climb the side of buildings or trees or since you are now 'the hunter' set a trap to string up an enemy by their leg when they walk over your trap...SOMETHING! Adding a Bow into the game and calling it 'HUNTER' doesn't change's just a new weapon for goodness sakes. Kicking the cars and sliding is all old additions that frankly replaced stuff that was way cooler.
It's getting to be redundant and more clear that C3 is NOT going to bring back the options and gameplay that made Crysis great. We've seen several trailers, MP video, a Tech vid and screen shots. I would not expect Crytek to simply ditch what they started with C2 but it also doesn't look like they are trying to reach a balance between it and the original Crysis. The only thing I've really seen that seems promising is some high res screen shots where there are some decent textures. The Tech Vid was cool but I haven't forgotten how cool the C2 Tech vids were either.
Crytek needs to start addressing things specifically that the community has been asking for even if it's to say that we won't be seeing it in the game. There is a clear consensus in the community regarding what we would like that's been communicated since the release of C2...WTH.