Crysis Multiplayer OMG

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:59 pm

I'm a Crysis player and im pritty pissed atm...

I get diconnect frome servers almost 70% of my game time and i also during game play resulting in alot of point's geting lost. I talked to EA live support and all they could give we was that i hade to open up thise ports on my router
*TCP : 80,443,64100,6667,29900,2990,2891
*UDP : 27900,27901,64100
i did this and i was not able to log in at all. So i removed it and tried diffrent settings in my router
"- my router btw)
so i used Battlefield 2 pre open port settup and PRESTO... i can play somewhat.... but still.. i belive the biggest problem is that eighter all the servers are in america (im in europe) or its something serius wrong whit the multiplayers spec's

one more thing... when are u gonna remove all the cheaters?
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El Goose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:34 am

well...1. get better internet connection. 2.Call ur internet provider to set things right for u as clearily u dont know how to do it or "he" or "they" have to do something so u dont have connections. 3. there are aprox 800 europe servers and i play on them with no problems not even one disconnection. 4. They removed 90% of cheaters and probably finishing these 10% off right as ur reading this.
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Big Homie
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:20 pm

crysis is the only game that is messing whit me.. im not having any problem whit any othergame..... its only crysis :( *sob*

i play 6 diffrent games

cod bo
cod 2
bf bc
leaft 4 dead

im not having any connection errors whit thise games so it must be crysis that is causing problems
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:25 am

problems with multiplayer as for me are not related to internet connection or other "my stuff" like router this & that bla bla

I can confirm one thing: when I connect to server and the game is already started - then I got kicked (connection lost) after maximum 3 minutes.

When I connect to server and players are in the lobby, voting for map to start etc. and the game starts - I dont get kicked out from the game.

Can anybody test & confirm?
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Killah Bee
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:58 pm

Right after Crysis 2 came out I also couldn't stay connected longer than about 3 minutes. But after the patches it seems to have improved. I am not sure how exactly it works, but sometimes - even these days - it will disconnect me very soon and other times I can play many games without a problem. I am quite sure it's a problem on server side as no other game exhibits similar symptoms. It almost looks like different C2 servers may behave differently e.g disconnects in longer/shorter time periods, not sure if it is just by "luck" or there are indeed some differences between servers. You can try some more servers and see if you'll get disconnects on all of them.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:47 pm

problems with multiplayer as for me are not related to internet connection or other "my stuff" like router this & that bla bla

I can confirm one thing: when I connect to server and the game is already started - then I got kicked (connection lost) after maximum 3 minutes.

When I connect to server and players are in the lobby, voting for map to start etc. and the game starts - I dont get kicked out from the game.

Can anybody test & confirm?

I can confirm that I had this theory but have been proven wrong on it time after time. It's completely random but most of the time I get dropped within 2-5 minutes. Sometimes I can play a few maps, but those instances are few and far between.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:02 pm

belive u me.... ive tried many diffrent servers.... this is what i see on my server list... i have from 94-97 latency on server list. Never have anything under that. and if i ever succed in joining a game, i se my normal ping witch is the same for the other "in game", bettwen 34-57 latency (yea i know crapy adsl)

Ive alredy tried 8 diffrent servers 2day and i got DC frome 6 of them... 1 of the game i got thrue 2 maps then i DC'ed again. And the last server i joined i was able to play for a full hour b4 DC....

why is this? its obvius a flaw in the game, i realy like Crysis, but damit.... BF BC hade some latency problems also in the beggining of their releas. Prehaps Crysis team should talk to BF team for some tips?
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