I get diconnect frome servers almost 70% of my game time and i also during game play resulting in alot of point's geting lost. I talked to EA live support and all they could give we was that i hade to open up thise ports on my router
*TCP : 80,443,64100,6667,29900,2990,2891
*UDP : 27900,27901,64100
i did this and i was not able to log in at all. So i removed it and tried diffrent settings in my router
"-http://www.dustinhome.se/pd_5010134298.aspx- my router btw)
so i used Battlefield 2 pre open port settup and PRESTO... i can play somewhat.... but still.. i belive the biggest problem is that eighter all the servers are in america (im in europe) or its something serius wrong whit the multiplayers spec's
one more thing... when are u gonna remove all the cheaters?