so now i have some conclusion about MP playing and want to share it and listen what other ppl think about it
i want to start with positives view
- nanosuit features is the great plus of the game. it makes playing process fun and let you tune your characters many ways according your favorite playstyle. it was never saw in other games before
- training system is logic - the more you use something the more it trains, it is VERY positive becouse the most popular systems when you train something with putting some "points" into it is just so stupid
- not many useless weapons and not much similar weapons - almost weapons are fine and everyone can find something for himself (i just love MIKE! =D)
- maps are vel-developed. when i started play i thought almost all maps are stupid. now i think there is no stupid maps (well, except distructed office may be =D)
- mods are interesting enough. if you tired from FFA deathmatch you can play assault or CTF or extraction. all of them are fine, some of them strong teamplay needed
- most of weapons attachment are good and useable
now what negative i found in MP
- most of map are EXTREMELY small for 16 men. i would prefer to play in 8 or 10 max man on all of the maps. with 16 men playing you have permanent meat when someone spawned at your back shoots at you while you shoot someone who shoot your teammate who just respawned... TOO much non-stop action with minimum tactics
- in the light of the maps size many good nanosuit features become usless becouse permashooting. many maps requare just common perks like energy transfer, nano recharge, stealth etc
- game s are toooooooooooooooo short. in fact games rarely last more then 10 mins
- cheaters. they still present. the favorite cheats - shooting from invisibility, running like hell. very deadly in CTF mode
- i think AIRSTOMP perk should be removed from suit perks and inplemented to default nanusuit features. this is so useless that can be setted only for fun
- Lagstrike.. cmon, it's time too fix it at last!!!!
- very often game timer before game starts lags for minute or two. annoying a bit
- friend squad invite still don't work...
- game chat cannot be read if you late for some seconds. very unusefull. in game process you rarely have time to read the chat and when you are in coverage you can't ready what ppl wrote
probably there was some things i forgot about, but may be someone can add something =)