» Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:58 am
The level up system means that those who are high ranks have better equipment, which means they can get more kills and higher ranks. Crytek created a self-fulfilling prophesy there where if you play against higher level people, you're having a rock battle at the bottom of a well.
The maps are small and claustrophobic. Sniping isn't an option like the last game and the lack of vehicles saddens me. In fact, the exclusion of any vehicular combat is just pathetic since that's what made Crysis great.
The servers are buggy as all hell. I've only found two I've been able to connect with consistently.
Already I've started to meet hackers (You'd think Crytek would have learned from Crysis 1... when I meet someone who can shoot me in the foot and gets a headshot each time, I know there's something up). Don't even start to say I'm wrong to lay that accusation at their feet, I'm a programmer and the whole idea they've consistently had loopholes exploited is sad. If it means giving us less control in the editor, so be it.
The game modes are limited. You're basically choosing from Capture the Flag, Team Battle, or an ugly monstrosity of a free for all. The one where it's Crysis Suits vs. CELL is pathetic. The second the Crysis Suit team gets a kill they get decent weaponry, which means suddenly they have both the suit *AND* really good weapons. Whoever thought up the game mode needs to be fired and fast.
I know the multiplayer is bad when after playing it for a while I'm left with a sense of disappointment and that I've wasted my time. In the first one I generally left feeling rather happy, even if I lost, seeing as how I enjoyed myself at least and learned something new tactically.
The Single Player I was disappointed in personally. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but it wasn't great. I mean, the first one (both Warhead and regular) you just sat there and went "WOAH!". In this one... eh, it all feels like more of the same. "OK you guy in the suit, go into this base, either infiltrate or shoot up these aliens/humans, and get out". There wasn't really anything spectacular like the train mission in Warhead, the tank mission in Crysis, the part where you had the VTOL fire support in Warhead, etc.
Overall, to me, this entire game is a bust. I would have done better pirating it than paying almost 60 dollars for crap.