i got crysis 2 last year and got the 2 map packs too, i liked the game so much since the beta.
i re-installed last week i found maybe about 6 filled servers and some people playing 1~4 players on some servers.
i think the game (multiplayer only) should go free 2 play for:
a) crytek made such effort on this game they just cant let it die like that.
b) people in the community that already got the game feel like it was not a good choice/investment and dont have fun with the game (as in the multiplayer).
c)crytek will no longer make profit from crysis 2 , no more huge sales numbers.
d) crytek will make more profit from the game that way, with the F2P model being implemented.
e) they will keep the brand name alive and more people intrested broadening the fan base that would be intrested in any sequel, if they were to make any.
i am talking about the PC version
what does the people that play crysis 2 feel about this?and how should we tell crytek that?