Note that this is only me me casually messing around with my own voice -- nothing serious. It's basically been done ghetto style. In order to more accurately replicate the nanosuit voice I will have to do a spectral anolysis of the original, probably just isolating the "a" phoneme, and compare it to my own voice.
I've already determined that the nanosuit voice has 5 components consisting of a "grity" or "vocal fry" ( the opposite of Falsetto ) component, a "breathy" component that especially manifests itself on aspirated consonants, a bass/low-frequency component, a high-frequency component that manifests itself particularly on those aforementioned aspirated consonants and a "metallic"/"tinny"/"robotic" echo component. All I need to do is isolate these using the aforementioned frequency anolysis and then I could possibly build a tool that converts your voice to the nanosuit voice.

So, what do you think?
