I am not sure if this is obvious, but i am playing the pc version.
However, I just finished the SP and want to play the MP. But i can only find 9 servers of which 1 is ranked. Is that becuz i am trying it at 23.30? (netherlands) Or is the online community not that crowded?
I am not sure if this is obvious, but i am playing the pc version.
However, I just finished the SP and want to play the MP. But i can only find 9 servers of which 1 is ranked. Is that becuz i am trying it at 23.30? (netherlands) Or is the online community not that crowded?
Weird. I'm getting well over 900 servers. Are you on version 1.2? Version 1.1 only has 9 servers left.
Launch the launcher, you will be automatically upgraded to 1.2.
IF NOT! http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13347&hilit=manual+patch http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=20618&hilit=manual+patch or more easily in your case with having 1.1 and wanting 1.2. http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/eagames/crysis/patches/Crysis_2_final_1.2h2_Patch.exe
Remember to patch it on a clean 1.1 version of the game!