Id dislike, this but theres' no dislike button... so pre-ordering the game had no perks i take it... if we preordered it we just got svckered into paying top dollar... while 2 weeks after release the game drops to 30% off...
So you give discounts to the people who were like "eh" and not to the half a year in advanced pre order holders.... Well played. This is why you never pre order games anymore.
Talk about pissing all over people who preordered the game. Not happy. Not really happy with the game either, it's a bloody COD clone and not a Crysis game.
Discount so short after launch. In other words: Hey the game didnt sell as expected so lets throw in a discount to get more sales...
Thanks i will remember this the next time you bring a game out ,i will just wait a couple of weeks while playing a somewhat older game for you to come with the discounts ffs
Nice to know us preorder people are taken care of with full price items a week before its 30% off.
Wow guys, I am so glad I bought mine 2 weeks ago. especially since you now drop the price 2 weeks later. I really like paying more than I should. So what is the advantage for me to pre-order?? Oh thanks for the free copy of Crysis 1. I have only played that game 1000 times. Seriously, if you are going to drop the price so soon after launch, I won't be pre-ordering again.
I'm done Crytek. And it sounds like the Crysis Franchise is done too, if you are discounting so soon after launch. FAIL!
WTF EA? Why'd I spend 59.99 just the other week for you guys to do this? When did you guys unlock retard?
Crysis Amrit Sidhu: Awesome! You're going to have a lot of fun playing it!