basically its business , these people are eating our money , they make games un optamized so that it eats more hard ware and the graphics card makers or cpu makers can make more money and they feature these games in return , how ever the minimum specs are totaly false , and i have tried the leaked version FOR TESTING AND BENCHES ONLY ! i didnt play it all because i did not want it to ruin the suspence , so please donot atack me in any way ,
i got 2 old pcs
pc 1setup :
Intel pentium4 3.4 ghz ht 2mb cache
XFX NFORCE 680i sli
512 x 4 kingston ddr2 ram 800mhz
XFX 9500gt
settings :
all maxed out with resolution 1024x768
NOTE: trust me any thing above 1024x768 is a waste of time and u go and waste money for new hardware , while get litle or no graphical change , so for budget users keep 1024x768 resolution
results :
max fps during game ; 22
avg constant during game with little fight some times ; 11-13 (seriously playable jsut increase the maximum pre rendered frames by 2 in nvidia control panel )
min during heavy fight ; 5
CONCLUSION : so it is kind of playable , over all file experince with some major slow game play during extremly heavy fight , but playable with litle fight and not to forget the OVER CLOCKING WE CAN DO !

pc2setup :
Intel pentium dual core e5400 2.7 2mb cache
512x4 kingston ddr2 800mhz
XFX 9800gt
settings :
SAME AS ABOVEresults :
max fps during game ; 36
avg constant during game with little fights some times ;20-26
minimum fps during extreamly heavy fights ; 15
conclusion : a very decent and enjoyable game play , so the minimum reqs by the developers are totaly false
i have just bought crysis 2 nano suit edition will arrive soon , my current specs
CPU : Intel core2quad q6700 2.66ghz
RAM : kingston ddr2 512 x 2 @ 1000mhz with air cooler
kingston ddr2 1gb x2 , so in total 3gb , i did this because i wanted more ram power than just 3 1gb sticks resulting in 1000mhz x4
GPU : XFX 9800gt green low wattage in sli ( 1 from old pc and 1 new )
so from my benches i know i can max out this baby and over clocking is also availible for me XD