» Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:30 am
There will be Crysis 3, Crysis 1 has already sold 3 Million copies on PC, maybe it didn't sold a lot when it was released released due to the low advertisemant and high system requirements, but it was an awesome game and thats why it kept selling over the years until reaching 3 million, for Crysis 2, I predict that after a year of It's release, there will be 1.5-2 million sales on PC, 3-4 Million on XBOX and 1-3 Million on PS3, then PC might get up to 3 million the following year, and if things go good and Console players believe it's better than CoD/Halo, Crysis 3 (late 2012 or early 2013 at least) will sell 3-4 million on PC, 5-8 million on XBOX and 4-6 million on PS3, Also, the PC market is growing Really fast, each year steam gets about the double amount of users than the last year, there are already 30 or 35 million steam users, by the end of the year there might be 45-60 million, a lot of console players are migrating to PC because of all the awesome features like higher resolution, better graphics, DX11, Steam awesome sales (i got 8 games for $60) and because they can use facebook/twitter/youtube/web browsers easily while playing games and because the freedom it gives to tweak, mod and use any controller on your games