Crysis Original Running on a Gtx 460 Proven

Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:17 pm

Just got my GTX 460 (768mb gddr5) Today, and Tested it with Crysis (1) immediately. And here are the first results. After applying Patch 1.2, and trying it with optimal settings first.

Resolution: 1440x900 (60hrz)
All Settings: Very High (Default)
Anti liaising: 2x (Default)
Stereotropic 3d: Disabled

These are screenshots from the first hour of playing. Playing for too long might have been dangerous, I'll post new shots as soon as possible.
File comment: Killing, is somewhat familiar to Warhead Graphics. Awesome!
Very High 2.jpg
Very High 2.jpg [ 165.26 KiB | Viewed 426 times ]
File comment: First on-site on default
Mission: Contact

Very High 1.jpg
Very High 1.jpg [ 196.53 KiB | Viewed 426 times ]

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:07 am

Neither the original Crysis or Crysis Warhead/Wars support DX11. They do support DX10 however. DX11 was released in Oct 2009, two years after Crysis was released :)
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:25 pm

Neither the original Crysis or Crysis Warhead/Wars support DX11. They do support DX10 however. DX11 was released in Oct 2009, two years after Crysis was released :)

That's is extremely true, but this was the reaction/repercussion after playing the game with the Gtx 460 gpu. And if it has no support, it will probably crash.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 4:39 pm

A GTX460 isn't a "DX11 only" card, it will support at least as far back as DirectX 7 and everything inbetween, up to DX11. :)
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m Gardner
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:40 pm

A GTX460 isn't a "DX11 only" card, it will support at least as far back as DirectX 7 and everything inbetween, up to DX11. :)

So theoretically, Dx11 won't have much impact on Crysis Original just like Crysis 2 if its for Dx10 first?
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Heather M
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:14 pm

You're a little confused OP.

Dx11 cards do not force dx11 in none-dx11 games. You will see crysis 1 in the exact same way as someone with a gtx280 would because it is only a dx10 game, not dx11. However in games like dirt 2, which do support dx11, you will able to enable effects that people with the older cards can't (like tessellated water and full screen post processing) when you play with a dx11 card.

We don't know if crysis 2 will support dx11 at this time, but let's face it, it better do. Considering the number of dx11 titles starting to appear now, it'd definitely be an egg-on-face moment for crytek if they didn't have it.

P.S. I approve of the new forum.

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:52 pm

You're a little confused OP.

Dx11 cards do not force dx11 in none-dx11 games. You will see crysis 1 in the exact same way as someone with a gtx280 would because it is only a dx10 game, not dx11. However in games like dirt 2, which do support dx11, you will able to enable effects that people with the older cards can't (like tessellated water and full screen post processing) when you play with a dx11 card.

We don't know if crysis 2 will support dx11 at this time, but let's face it, it better do. Considering the number of dx11 titles starting to appear now, it'd definitely be an egg-on-face moment for crytek if they didn't have it.

P.S. I approve of the new forum.

Do you mean this thread, I only hesitated to test the new gpu with a game that would really push the boundaries. That way I'll know it was worth the cash.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:41 am

A GTX460 isn't a "DX11 only" card, it will support at least as far back as DirectX 7 and everything inbetween, up to DX11. :)

So theoretically, Dx11 won't have much impact on Crysis Original just like Crysis 2 if its for Dx10 first?

Crysis original HAS NO DX11 at all. You were just playing with a DX11 supportive card in DX10 mode, just like anybody can use a GeForce GT8800 in DX9 mode.
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Bad News Rogers
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:51 pm

A GTX460 isn't a "DX11 only" card, it will support at least as far back as DirectX 7 and everything inbetween, up to DX11. :)

So theoretically, Dx11 won't have much impact on Crysis Original just like Crysis 2 if its for Dx10 first?

Crysis original HAS NO DX11 at all. You were just playing with a DX11 supportive card in DX10 mode, just like anybody can use a GeForce GT8800 in DX9 mode.

That would explain the extreme performance boost with un-equal quality. But then again, your probably right.
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Rodney C
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:30 pm

@The Comfy Chair
Did you mean by my thread, when you mentioned "I approve of the new forum".

It was only a quick test with Crysis 1 under a new gpu. I had to see it for myself if the new gpu could really max out a game as good as Crysis. Sorry, for the misleading title.
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:07 pm

Something interesting happened, this is what you get when you mix it with full-screen turned off.
Crysis on 7.jpg
Crysis on 7.jpg [ 175.22 KiB | Viewed 84 times ]

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:51 pm

Are you trolling or are you just mentaly retarded. Crysis 1 DO NOT have DX11 and will NEVER have!

Just because you have a Card that supports Dx11 doesn't mean that you are running it in DX11...

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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:51 pm

Are you trolling or are you just mentaly retarded. Crysis 1 DO NOT have DX11 and will NEVER have!

Just because you have a Card that supports Dx11 doesn't mean that you are running it in DX11...


Are you even reading ? The first post explained, it was just a sudden test for the game running with that gpu. I never, even once stated in any of these posts, that Crysis 1 runs on Dx11.

It was just a misleading title.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:15 pm

Are you trolling or are you just mentaly retarded. Crysis 1 DO NOT have DX11 and will NEVER have!

Just because you have a Card that supports Dx11 doesn't mean that you are running it in DX11...


Are you even reading ? The first post explained, it was just a sudden test for the game running with that gpu. I never, even once stated in any of these posts, that Crysis 1 runs on Dx11.

It was just a misleading title.

LOL. A VERY misleading title, and it was a bit of a troll baiter too. :O
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:32 pm

Nice. I just got my GTX 460 a couple of weeks ago (upgraded from a 9800 GTX+) and I've noticed a slight performance boost with it. The 9800 was already a pretty good card, but it had some problems, especially with Anti-Aliasing, so I'm glad I upgraded. Next on the list is a Q9505 CPU (here's to hoping Core 2 Quad prices will finally drop in the next few months...). Wish I could get one of those i7's though...sigh.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:50 am

Sorry again for the misleading title. I just picked the wrong title for the thread.
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 9:00 pm

I still don't get the topic.
Why shouldn't it work on a GTX460?
Ofcourse it works...
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 10:48 am

I still don't get the topic.
Why shouldn't it work on a GTX460?
Ofcourse it works...

Its just a thread to prove it, some still wonder about the side-effect?
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Hella Beast
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 1:05 pm

I still don't get the topic.
Why shouldn't it work on a GTX460?
Ofcourse it works...

Its just a thread to prove it, some still wonder about the side-effect?
no. noone does. crysis hasn't changed since 2007 other than a few bug fixes.
and when some dude (me) in 2030 finds a way to install the game on his microscopic brain-computer, or whatever fantastic device we will use to get cancer then, he will enjoy the same old crysis from 2007. or he'll install the quadruple high definition mod pack that - among other things - inserts 80 gigabyte of (all Parallax Occlusion Mapped) textures and needs 1 TB video ram to run.
but instead he could just get "crysis 5: alien-ninja-transformers attack New New York" written by a then-famous auther (also me), where you control the player's actions directly with your motor cortex and the collector's edition comes with an actual nanosuit 5.0 in your personal size... so why bother going back to the roots?

act quick though! shipment of the collector's edition will be stopped when someone important realizes that the gameplay learning process in combination with the real life suit effectively turns you into a super soldier, and EA see their military control over north america in danger.

silly 2010, when people were impressed by DX11...
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:58 pm

I still don't get the topic.
Why shouldn't it work on a GTX460?
Ofcourse it works...

Its just a thread to prove it, some still wonder about the side-effect?
no. noone does. crysis hasn't changed since 2007 other than a few bug fixes.
and when some dude (me) in 2030 finds a way to install the game on his microscopic brain-computer, or whatever fantastic device we will use to get cancer then, he will enjoy the same old crysis from 2007. or he'll install the quadruple high definition mod pack that - among other things - inserts 80 gigabyte of (all Parallax Occlusion Mapped) textures and needs 1 TB video ram to run.
but instead he could just get "crysis 5: alien-ninja-transformers attack New New York" written by a then-famous auther (also me), where you control the player's actions directly with your motor cortex and the collector's edition comes with an actual nanosuit 5.0 in your personal size... so why bother going back to the roots?

act quick though! shipment of the collector's edition will be stopped when someone important realizes that the gameplay learning process in combination with the real life suit effectively turns you into a super soldier, and EA see their military control over north america in danger.

silly 2010, when people were impressed by DX11...

You sound like someone from the 25th century?
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emma sweeney
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:17 am

You sound like someone from the 25th century?
hahahaha! that's completely absurd! i mean, like, how would that even work, right? pfff...
i gotta go.
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le GraiN
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 2:30 pm

You sound like someone from the 25th century?
hahahaha! that's completely absurd! i mean, like, how would that even work, right? pfff...
i gotta go.

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jessica sonny
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:27 am

hahahaha! that's completely absurd! i mean, like, how would that even work, right? pfff...
i gotta go.


How Surreal!
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