The nano catalyst bug is fixed. If you want proof, just restart a level before you lost them and/or a new game and it won't happen. If it doesn't work for you, it's probably because you were already at a negative number (as can happen with that bug) and the patch can't really fix that because it would be impossible to know how many points to "give back" to you. That might svck but if you're already more than halfway through the game I would just finish it as you're bound to get enough catalyst points to at least have most unlocks for the start of the second playthrough.
Also, anyone complaining about a lack of a fix of SLI/Crossfire problems doesn't seem to understand that those problems occur because the videocards are making a mistake in rendering the game (which is why for a lot of people the problem is solved by renaming the .exe to something else). Don't blame Crytek for it because that's impossible for them to fix. It needs to be something that ATI/Nvidia fix in a driver update on their end. I would assume people who have a dual-GPU rig would know that by now.
im thinking that might be my issue. I finished Recruit, and started Soldier and am more than halfway through Soldier (played the whole time with no catalyst increase

). I had figured it was just a display issue not recognizing the amount i actually "Had". So should i just restart Recruit and do it all over? Not like the campaign on recruit takes much of ANY time lol.