» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:16 am
Doesn't anyone find absolutely outrageous to see that almost 24 hours after this joke they call a patch had been released, and I don't know how many pages of complaint from an impressive amount of customers, there is absolutely NO ONE from crytek to communicate, to apologize, to tell us what are they gonna do, when, etc...?
I guess that in many countries it's the same: you can't ask for a refund for an installed game (key security), so it seems we should have a community action against this situation, but I never had to deal with such one. So if someone has an idea, let's go ahead.
I don't know how many feel like me, but I'm not playing crysis 2 for weeks, it's unplayable, or when it is, the experience is so degraded that it's not worth it. We've been sold a demo the price of a full game, that's dishonest, I want a fix, and to know when it will be done, or I want a refund, pick one!
And I mean it crytek, if you do not give us news before the end of that day, I will search for every retailer in my country to post on their website what's about your scam you call "a true revolution". Every people about to order your copies on the internet in my country will know about your treachery.