» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:26 am
Thankful for the MP fixes, please keep em coming. Especially the cheat stuff. And I really miss a loosing stats fix though, I've lost hundreds of kills, counting towards upgrades and perks.
Not sure what ppl are talking about in SP, I've played the SP campaign 3 times from start to finish, had no big issues at all.
Yeah, we're just complaining for kicks.
Bottom line is if some people can complete it and some can't, then it's the people who can't that have the issue.
Yes the Nano count is buggered to all hell but it hasn't stopped people playing the game properly. If nobody could beat the game cos of it then yeah I'd see your point, but as it stands, the problem clearly isn't as gamebreaking as you'd have us believe.
Of course it's the people who can't complete it who have the issue... that's the general rule for all bugs. If mainstream software/hardware is creating an incompatibility for a top of the line game for a significant minority of players, then Crytek has a responsibility to look into it.
You can stick your fingers in your ears and shout "Lalalalala" as long as you like, but just look here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QciBjdk3fCQ. See all those people complaining about the very same impassable bug I'm having? Notice how we all have the exact same bug? Notice how we can't continue the game because of that exact same bug? It seems to me that something is clearly causing this product-ruining error, and it's clearly not a unique occurrence on my part.
You know when a car manufacture release 10,000 cars, and finds a tiny minority of them happen to explode for unforeseen reasons... do you think it would be perfectly acceptable for said manufacturer to turn around and blame the customers for not fixing their obviously defunct ticking time bombs?