» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 pm
give it a rest yo. and how many are actually males in this thread? how many actually bought the game? how many actually have the hardware to run it? so many variables yet everyone seems surprised... roles reversed i'm sure all of you hypocrites would reject three times the income developing for consoles. doubtful! the industry has evolved...and it hasn't been overnight; stop acting surprised. either play the damn game...if not for whatever reason...return it. that simple!
I am not sure what you are all up and about and not sure what being males have to do with anything. This experience is from multiple other games as well. Now I agree consoles are good for the business and great, but the community is in stronger packs for PC than console and do exist. Their dwindling numbers is not due to consoles, but due to developers getting lazy with coding for them. They instead port and it does not work that way for PC.
Code for the consoles, go for it, but also code for the PC. Each one needs to be built from the ground up. The PC community is quite a bit of money, even if their numbers seem much smaller than consoles, the lost of PC income would still be devastating. IF it was not, then they would have stopped releasing games on it to begin with and saved production costs instead.
The PC community is still strong, it still provides better hardware, and it needs to be respected as a gaming machine just as much as a console. Whatever got your panties in a bunch, IDK, perhaps your PC could not handle it so you just get pissed at those that can, but get over yourself.