Crysis 2 PC 1.2.0 Patch Notes - Update #2

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

For all of those crying really bad, get over it...

The game just came out, be patient, someone once said that patience is a virtue, you should learn it, it's a great virtue to have.
Wake up dude, it's been 2 weeks. We're not crying. We want justice.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:10 am

2 weeks and no video card fix? I could care less about cheaters. THe flashing is ridiculous, If I wanted a seizure I would go to a techno disco. I care about playing the game. Please fix the issues ASAP!
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 am

how do i download this update? it doesnt make me automatically update when i launch multiplayer. and there is nothing make me update in the ea download manager????
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Jake Easom
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:19 am

It's quite odd, I've never had any problems myself with anything, other then 1st week or so american servers not working, but then again I found that UK servers worked fine and that's what I played on.

Other then that it's been perfect, may I suggest trying to install motherboard drivers, new video card drivers, maybe use a driver cleaner and then reinstalling, also, try turning off features that force things like AA, etc.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:12 am

So I must officially say Crytek, that your patch was nothing more than a download and words in patch notes. The only thing your patch did was invite the cheaters for another round of free for them game play tonight.

Here is a suggestion. If you are not going to implement proper anti-hack protocols for your game that so many people would be playing and enjoying if they existed, then please implement vote kick. At least then the players could do something, instead you leave them only one option, which is to leave your game. So allows players to have control or implement proper protocols. Otherwise shut down your game servers and admit defeat before pissing off your community so much that they decide not to buy your next product.

If your excuse is the PC community is minimal, that is because of situations like this where the developers have become lazy and have ostracised the PC community all on your own. Your PC community have the systems to run your game properly at their best and show off your work. They have a very strong community and travel in packs, yet the developers of today are lazy just as the students of my class are. Consoles are not the future, they will always be behind and will not run the best.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:29 am

So I must officially say Crytek, that your patch was nothing more than a download and words in patch notes. The only thing your patch did was invite the cheaters for another round of free for them game play tonight.

Here is a suggestion. If you are not going to implement proper anti-hack protocols for your game that so many people would be playing and enjoying if they existed, then please implement vote kick. At least then the players could do something, instead you leave them only one option, which is to leave your game. So allows players to have control or implement proper protocols. Otherwise shut down your game servers and admit defeat before pissing off your community so much that they decide not to buy your next product.

If your excuse is the PC community is minimal, that is because of situations like this where the developers have become lazy and have ostracised the PC community all on your own. Your PC community have the systems to run your game properly at their best and show off your work. They have a very strong community and travel in packs, yet the developers of today are lazy just as the students of my class are. Consoles are not the future, they will always be behind and will not run the best.
Definitely This.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:33 am


where can flow it?
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:10 am

The 1.2 update makes my computer completely lock up every 15 minutes or so. It just stops. Not even during an intensive part of the game, I can be just walking down an alley way and it will freeze, except the music will keep on playing.

CTRL-ALT-DELETE, CTRL-SHIFT-ESCAPE, ALT-TAB to my browser... Nothing works, 100% frozen.

I have zero problems with all my other games and had no problems playing Crysis 2 with version 1.1 (1.5 campaigns worth of playing, no freezing until 1.2).

Anyone else out there with this issue?

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James Rhead
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:01 pm

So I must officially say Crytek, that your patch was nothing more than a download and words in patch notes. The only thing your patch did was invite the cheaters for another round of free for them game play tonight.

Here is a suggestion. If you are not going to implement proper anti-hack protocols for your game that so many people would be playing and enjoying if they existed, then please implement vote kick. At least then the players could do something, instead you leave them only one option, which is to leave your game. So allows players to have control or implement proper protocols. Otherwise shut down your game servers and admit defeat before pissing off your community so much that they decide not to buy your next product.

If your excuse is the PC community is minimal, that is because of situations like this where the developers have become lazy and have ostracised the PC community all on your own. Your PC community have the systems to run your game properly at their best and show off your work. They have a very strong community and travel in packs, yet the developers of today are lazy just as the students of my class are. Consoles are not the future, they will always be behind and will not run the best.

give it a rest yo. and how many are actually males in this thread? how many actually bought the game? how many actually have the hardware to run it? so many variables yet everyone seems surprised... roles reversed i'm sure all of you hypocrites would reject three times the income developing for consoles. doubtful! the industry has evolved...and it hasn't been overnight; stop acting surprised. either play the damn game...if not for whatever reason...return it. that simple!
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 pm

give it a rest yo. and how many are actually males in this thread? how many actually bought the game? how many actually have the hardware to run it? so many variables yet everyone seems surprised... roles reversed i'm sure all of you hypocrites would reject three times the income developing for consoles. doubtful! the industry has evolved...and it hasn't been overnight; stop acting surprised. either play the damn game...if not for whatever reason...return it. that simple!

I am not sure what you are all up and about and not sure what being males have to do with anything. This experience is from multiple other games as well. Now I agree consoles are good for the business and great, but the community is in stronger packs for PC than console and do exist. Their dwindling numbers is not due to consoles, but due to developers getting lazy with coding for them. They instead port and it does not work that way for PC.

Code for the consoles, go for it, but also code for the PC. Each one needs to be built from the ground up. The PC community is quite a bit of money, even if their numbers seem much smaller than consoles, the lost of PC income would still be devastating. IF it was not, then they would have stopped releasing games on it to begin with and saved production costs instead.

The PC community is still strong, it still provides better hardware, and it needs to be respected as a gaming machine just as much as a console. Whatever got your panties in a bunch, IDK, perhaps your PC could not handle it so you just get pissed at those that can, but get over yourself.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:05 pm

give it a rest yo. and how many are actually males in this thread? how many actually bought the game? how many actually have the hardware to run it? so many variables yet everyone seems surprised... roles reversed i'm sure all of you hypocrites would reject three times the income developing for consoles. doubtful! the industry has evolved...and it hasn't been overnight; stop acting surprised. either play the damn game...if not for whatever reason...return it. that simple!

I am not sure what you are all up and about and not sure what being males have to do with anything. This experience is from multiple other games as well. Now I agree consoles are good for the business and great, but the community is in stronger packs for PC than console and do exist. Their dwindling numbers is not due to consoles, but due to developers getting lazy with coding for them. They instead port and it does not work that way for PC.

Code for the consoles, go for it, but also code for the PC. Each one needs to be built from the ground up. The PC community is quite a bit of money, even if their numbers seem much smaller than consoles, the lost of PC income would still be devastating. IF it was not, then they would have stopped releasing games on it to begin with and saved production costs instead.

The PC community is still strong, it still provides better hardware, and it needs to be respected as a gaming machine just as much as a console. Whatever got your panties in a bunch, IDK, perhaps your PC could not handle it so you just get pissed at those that can, but get over yourself.

clearly you missed my point about asking how many males are in this thread because of all the b!tching and complaining. the community is in stronger packs for pc? tell me you're joking? this 'fact' can be found where again? and as for your assumptions...i own a ps3 and a 360 and a pc that consists of an i5-2500k@4.2-8gig of ddr3 1600-570gtx-seagate cheetah hdd 600gb 15k spin...that runs this game on 'extreme' at 1920x1080 in powersave mode in it's sleep with vsync enabled fluidly at 60fps....SOO...i naturally bought it for pc. yes crysis 2 has it's flaws like disappearing crosshairs or graphical anomalies or the level up issue in multi but i still love the game. someone hacks a server...guess what...i join another. instead the majority in this thread keep crying about dx11 and everything a kid that dropped his/her ice-cream at a carnival.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:24 am

clearly you missed my point about asking how many males are in this thread because of all the b!tching and complaining. the community is in stronger packs for pc? tell me you're joking? this 'fact' can be found where again? and as for your assumptions...i own a ps3 and a 360 and a pc that consists of an i5-2500k@4.2-8gig of ddr3 1600-570gtx-seagate cheetah hdd 600gb 15k spin...that runs this game on 'extreme' at 1920x1080 in powersave mode in it's sleep with vsync enabled fluidly at 60fps....SOO...i naturally bought it for pc. yes crysis 2 has it's flaws like disappearing crosshairs or graphical anomalies or the level up issue in multi but i still love the game. someone hacks a server...guess what...i join another. instead the majority in this thread keep crying about dx11 and everything a kid that dropped his/her ice-cream at a carnival.[/quote]

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:34 pm

Patch 1.2 is a mess, before it, my game runs smooth, now i have some issues: nano catalysts resets every time, in MP there are still hackers, the game still runs in MP with random serial entered (i did not check that, but guys from this forum and a forum in my country confirm this statement).
So patch 1.3 is ready yet...?
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm

hope be qui cck
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:59 am

meh the issue where you unlock stuff and then when you quit and rejoin and it resets and you have to unlock the same things again is still there =\
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:02 am

The 1.2 update makes my computer completely lock up every 15 minutes or so. It just stops. Not even during an intensive part of the game, I can be just walking down an alley way and it will freeze, except the music will keep on playing.

CTRL-ALT-DELETE, CTRL-SHIFT-ESCAPE, ALT-TAB to my browser... Nothing works, 100% frozen.

I have zero problems with all my other games and had no problems playing Crysis 2 with version 1.1 (1.5 campaigns worth of playing, no freezing until 1.2).

Anyone else out there with this issue?
your GPU is overheating,i have the same problem,just speed up fan on your graphic card
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Brian Newman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:51 pm

When is the next big patch expected?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:08 pm

This is EPIC! I can finally upgrade my Nanosuit and I haven't had any trouble with melee or stealth kills! Awesome! Thank you, Crytek! Now this game can really start to shine. :-D

Now, bring on DX11! ;-)
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:58 am

Emm, i guess that there is no fix for disconect problems, right ?
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Rex Help
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:05 am

The patch is not auto downloading for me. Still on 1.1. My version of the game is retail.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:51 am

The patch is not auto downloading for me. Still on 1.1. My version of the game is retail.

doubleclick on "Crysis2Launcher" in your Crysis 2 folder where your exe is.Should work then.
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:42 am

Fix the flickering bug !
Fix the flickering bug !
Fix the flickering bug !
Fix the flickering bug !
Fix the flickering bug !
Fix the flickering bug !
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:00 am

Crysis 2 is a joke i've moved on to homefront and bad company 2 vietnam,which actually has direct x 11,and is not as boring to get weapons.I mean level 21-29 to unlock all the weapons? come on that's not even fun,gave up at level 18,this games a joke..
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:10 am

cant play MP because of the login error with gamesas acc

fix this **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never bought a game and cant play
no words for this
its just a joke
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:56 am

thanks to all of stuff
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