Crysis 2 PC 1.2.0 Patch Notes - Update #2

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:00 am

Same as Butters here. Never could to login becouse of "check your connectivity" error.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:47 pm

Same as Butters here. Never could to login becouse of "check your connectivity" error.

i dont have this error (but its also unbelievable)
in my case there comes the message that my login datas are not correct, buit i can login on

this is funny....NOT
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gary lee
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:00 pm

Crysis 2 is a joke i've moved on to homefront and bad company 2 vietnam,which actually has direct x 11,and is not as boring to get weapons.I mean level 21-29 to unlock all the weapons? come on that's not even fun,gave up at level 18,this games a joke..

Then go back to COD and WOW..
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:44 am

Crysis 2 is a joke i've moved on to homefront and bad company 2 vietnam,which actually has direct x 11,and is not as boring to get weapons.I mean level 21-29 to unlock all the weapons? come on that's not even fun,gave up at level 18,this games a joke..
I think Homefront is a joke... Graphics is lower than low... And you saying something about Crysis 2 Don't be rediculous
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Kill Bill
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:41 pm

pls dont talk about other games

lets focus on this unplayable game
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

clearly you missed my point about asking how many males are in this thread because of all the b!tching and complaining. the community is in stronger packs for pc? tell me you're joking? this 'fact' can be found where again? and as for your assumptions...i own a ps3 and a 360 and a pc that consists of an i5-2500k@4.2-8gig of ddr3 1600-570gtx-seagate cheetah hdd 600gb 15k spin...that runs this game on 'extreme' at 1920x1080 in powersave mode in it's sleep with vsync enabled fluidly at 60fps....SOO...i naturally bought it for pc. yes crysis 2 has it's flaws like disappearing crosshairs or graphical anomalies or the level up issue in multi but i still love the game. someone hacks a server...guess what...i join another. instead the majority in this thread keep crying about dx11 and everything a kid that dropped his/her ice-cream at a carnival.

So your point in being a male is showing off how big yours is (just like all those who spread out their marvelous configs including screens and PSU which is absolutely necessary to understand where their problems come from of course) and not complaining when you BOUGHT something that is NOT functional, and that broke the promises that were made? Or letting the cheaters rule what server you can play on or not?
That's not being a man dude, that's being a turkey.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

cant play MP because of the login error with gamesas acc

fix this **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never bought a game and cant play
no words for this
its just a joke
I got it too - it's somehow related to the ultimate topic but the 0.2.0 patch (yes, I deny calling it 1.2.0) fixed this problem for me.... I got other connectivity problems now though, so don't worry - even if you could login, the game still wouldn't work good enough.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 am

i played one game fine, then when i left session to join a different game type it wouldn't display any servers and it said "invalid parameter". shortly after i lost internet connectivity again, not just the game, but my whole internet.
so it seems the server browser is still buggy.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:26 am

cant play MP because of the login error with gamesas acc

fix this **** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never bought a game and cant play
no words for this
its just a joke
I got it too - it's somehow related to the ultimate topic but the 0.2.0 patch (yes, I deny calling it 1.2.0) fixed this problem for me.... I got other connectivity problems now though, so don't worry - even if you could login, the game still wouldn't work good enough.

thx for info (and bad news :D )
but without login i cant activate the key and content of limeted edition
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:30 am

So I must officially say Crytek, that your patch was nothing more than a download and words in patch notes. The only thing your patch did was invite the cheaters for another round of free for them game play tonight.

Here is a suggestion. If you are not going to implement proper anti-hack protocols for your game that so many people would be playing and enjoying if they existed, then please implement vote kick. At least then the players could do something, instead you leave them only one option, which is to leave your game. So allows players to have control or implement proper protocols. Otherwise shut down your game servers and admit defeat before pissing off your community so much that they decide not to buy your next product.

If your excuse is the PC community is minimal, that is because of situations like this where the developers have become lazy and have ostracised the PC community all on your own. Your PC community have the systems to run your game properly at their best and show off your work. They have a very strong community and travel in packs, yet the developers of today are lazy just as the students of my class are. Consoles are not the future, they will always be behind and will not run the best.

Kudos to this. This is my first game I've purchased from Crytek and I am highly dissapointed.
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:10 am

The main menu music bug is still there, whenever i go into custom class two unsynced main menu songs start howling, it sounds awful really. Second is, the nano catalyst is still very bugged, mine says 0 all the friggin time. The custom classes still dont save and at last the performance in the new patch is shiet! God damn, its awful...... really!
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 am

clearly you missed my point about asking how many males are in this thread because of all the b!tching and complaining. the community is in stronger packs for pc? tell me you're joking? this 'fact' can be found where again? and as for your assumptions...i own a ps3 and a 360 and a pc that consists of an i5-2500k@4.2-8gig of ddr3 1600-570gtx-seagate cheetah hdd 600gb 15k spin...that runs this game on 'extreme' at 1920x1080 in powersave mode in it's sleep with vsync enabled fluidly at 60fps....SOO...i naturally bought it for pc. yes crysis 2 has it's flaws like disappearing crosshairs or graphical anomalies or the level up issue in multi but i still love the game. someone hacks a server...guess what...i join another. instead the majority in this thread keep crying about dx11 and everything a kid that dropped his/her ice-cream at a carnival.

So your point in being a male is showing off how big yours is (just like all those who spread out their marvelous configs including screens and PSU which is absolutely necessary to understand where their problems come from of course) and not complaining when you BOUGHT something that is NOT functional, and that broke the promises that were made? Or letting the cheaters rule what server you can play on or not?
That's not being a man dude, that's being a turkey.

well it's been 'thanksgiving day' regarding pc releases for a while now then. and last time i checked...cheating has been prevalent in every pc release to date. and it has nothing to do with showing 'how big yours is'...if you would've taken the time to read further another forum troll implied that i probably didn't have the hardware to run crysis 2. clearly you're just as point is that these symptoms are nothing new with a new game release...yet most here are acting like spoiled rich women.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:35 am

well it's been 'thanksgiving day' regarding pc releases for a while now then. and last time i checked...cheating has been prevalent in every pc release to date. and it has nothing to do with showing 'how big yours is'...if you would've taken the time to read further another forum troll implied that i probably didn't have the hardware to run crysis 2. clearly you're just as point is that these symptoms are nothing new with a new game release...yet most here are acting like spoiled rich women.

You're right when you say these symptoms aren't new, you're also right when you compare some users to spoiled rich women, but it doesn't mean it's normal or that we should accept it, it is NOT. Many people suggest that we ask for a refund, in my country it's not possible, or I definitely would, but you can be sure I won't buy their games anymore.
I'm so sorry to see that nowadays, there is almost no real professionals left, just some funny guys pretending they're skilled because they know a few tricks. Yes sintron, it isn't new, and it's getting worse. Let's remain silent and watch it? I won't, even if it's useless, I won't, I will never shut my mouth when something's unfair.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:48 am

clearly you missed my point about asking how many males are in this thread because of all the b!tching and complaining. the community is in stronger packs for pc? tell me you're joking? this 'fact' can be found where again? and as for your assumptions...i own a ps3 and a 360 and a pc that consists of an i5-2500k@4.2-8gig of ddr3 1600-570gtx-seagate cheetah hdd 600gb 15k spin...that runs this game on 'extreme' at 1920x1080 in powersave mode in it's sleep with vsync enabled fluidly at 60fps....SOO...i naturally bought it for pc. yes crysis 2 has it's flaws like disappearing crosshairs or graphical anomalies or the level up issue in multi but i still love the game. someone hacks a server...guess what...i join another. instead the majority in this thread keep crying about dx11 and everything a kid that dropped his/her ice-cream at a carnival.


Clearly you miss my point, seeing as I did not mention DX11 at all. I could care less if that comes out as it does not matter. You say to merely switch servers, but it does not matter. Last night I did that and the hackers last night were multiplied, and I am not going into a 400+ ping server to avoid hackers.

People were seriously in the quitting mood last night and that is what sparked the whole thing. It is not about biching or whining or getting ones way. It is simply the truth of the whole situation at hand.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:51 pm

still getting random disconnects. i think Crytek need to get in touch with iD software, because they know how to run servers properly and their net code has always been solid. Crytek clearly has no idea how to run servers since there are so many bugs still prevalent.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:30 am

Hi there,

thanks for the patch - but the nano catalyst bug still exists.

- Win7 home premium 64 bit
- Steam version of C2
- I have finished SP already once and started a new round (default account)
--> now, nano catalyst remains on "0" points :-/

Unfortunately I also have to report, that the music during main menu is out of sync. It sounds like, there are 2 tracks playing at the same time.

Kind regards
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

ya.. i just played the game but there nano catalyst bug is still there
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Mimi BC
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:49 am

"Crysis 2 and DX11 - No announcements have been made on this topic and anything read on other sites is purely speculation."

One question to this Crytek... why?! Why have you not made any? WHY???
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:36 am

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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

where is this patch announced in a "later today" (04.04.2011) ??? WHERE IS IT ????////
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Horror- Puppe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:05 am

Wait for new patch. Please FIX THE HIT-BOXES in MP!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:54 am

For everyone that still experiences the nano catalyst bug in 1.2 check this thread for more details and a possible workaround, I can confirm that after a while NC starts to increment correctly for me, had to reach level 7 or 8 before that though.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:04 am

I was expecting this patch to at least get rid of the cheaters but it looks like they're just pretending they did anything. Failtek is lying again. :/
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:00 pm

I was told that patch is fake.

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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 pm

Listen Crytek please add the feature where players will be able to talk live with microphones whille in the lobby area with their SQUAD folllowing the leader into a session. You know that multiplayer screen where it shows your nickname and everyone in your squad well Crytek I think you guys should create the feature of live talk and text chat while chilling/waiting with other squad members for the leader of the squad to join a server etc...
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