» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:07 pm
Hm..I wonder if I'm one of the few who doesn't care about anything but the SP only. Is it being sidelined because MP is pretty much the dominant aspect of FPS games these days, and hence the lack of priority on bug fixes?
I'm saying this because I'm pretty miffed that the nano catalyst bug is STILL NOT FIXED after patch v1.2. In my case, the points decrease by 100 after each restart. I'm registering just to post to backup the claims that this bug still exists in one way or another and understand that the team is investigating it.
Minor bugs are acceptable, I'm sure everyone would agree, but this kind of bug is far from it. I shouldn't be forced to sit through the whole thing without any restarts just to ensure that my points do not disappear.
Didn't Crytek push the release date to March 2011 when it was supposed to be released in 2010? I was a tad disappointed initially, but believed that the reason was justified because bugs like these would be ironed out by then. I'm afraid I stand corrected. Maybe EA had been pressuring them to rush it? I feel real bad for those who pre-ordered it and waited in anticipation, only to be let down by what's going on lately.
Kudos to Crytek for releasing a great game nonetheless. Just not as arresting as the original game.
P.S: I'm still waiting for the bug to be fixed before I begin my playthrough again.