» Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:49 pm
Its fantastic news that a patch is being released, but in the list there is no mention of the game breaking bugs that are still out there.
Not hack bugs, or bugs that make the game silly, just the bugs that make it so the game is unplayable.
Many people are having the same issue as me, that the game closes the multi-player session and say's "session has been lost", i couldn't care if im with the most obnoxious hackers in the world, who want to go out of there way to annoy me and i cant vote kick them, and i definitely couldn't care about dx11, i just want to be able to play it for longer then 5 minutes online.
There was another bug, that was mentioned a lot in these forums, that wasn't in the list either, but I cant remember it, Anywho priorities of the patch should go to the people who still cant play the game after investing 60 bucks on it, there's no point making a car shiny if it cant go anywhere.