Steam upgraded me the other day but I have seen no change, in-fact the game seems more unstable.
Sometimes I spawn without my Assault scope on my Grendel (or indeed scope of any kind) sometimes it reappears a bit later but its very frustrating having a ranged weapon that I can't aim properly!
Secondly, and most annoyingly, I have lost XP so many times that it's not funny.
I have reached Level 16 and been dropped back twice and recieved the achievement for sprinting 500 meters at least four times. Mystery dogtags are unlocked time and time again randomly disappearing next time I look, award tags that I get have the star to tell me that they have been unlocked but are still locked.
I reached power level 6, equipped loadout pro and then was told next round that I couldn't unlock any of the bottom row until I reached level 6 (even though I still had it equipped). This is all before attachments and unlocks for my weapons disappear without warning.
I like the multiplayer but these issues are such a huge turnoff, a lot of the time it even happens when I haven't had a connection drop or anything!
I look forward to these issues being resolved in the not to distant future because I feel like the games spitting in the face of my achievement.