One more thing THIS is the most optimised game ive ever played so far. My gpu always runs at 98 99% (gtx 560 ti gigabyte OC edition...) but what about CPU? well ill tell you this, it's running at 85-95%! i was amazed when i saw it (for reference i have q8400 core 2 quad overclocked @ 3.5ghz). No game has ever used this much of my CPU and im quite pleased how optimized this game is! other games either use ur gpu to the max or ur cpu to like 50 or 60% but this uses everything u got in ur system to the max! exept the multi gpu glitch which will im sure get fixed soon^^
PS I really kind of feel bad for people who are having hard time playing this game. Either their nano catalyst wont save(which is kind of weird since i bought the like 3 days after release and didnt have this glitch^^) or have numerous bugs with xp connection and such. I am quite lucky that i never had any of these bugs to make my life miserable.
and im NOT a troll so dont call me that or ignorant.