Crysis 2 performance

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:46 am

Ok people you can say whatever you want but this is one heck of a game! single player is awsome and i quite like it and waiting for whenever DX11 patch comes to replay it :). Multiplayer is also REALLY REALLY Fun and i just love it!
One more thing THIS is the most optimised game ive ever played so far. My gpu always runs at 98 99% (gtx 560 ti gigabyte OC edition...) but what about CPU? well ill tell you this, it's running at 85-95%! i was amazed when i saw it (for reference i have q8400 core 2 quad overclocked @ 3.5ghz). No game has ever used this much of my CPU and im quite pleased how optimized this game is! other games either use ur gpu to the max or ur cpu to like 50 or 60% but this uses everything u got in ur system to the max! exept the multi gpu glitch which will im sure get fixed soon^^
PS I really kind of feel bad for people who are having hard time playing this game. Either their nano catalyst wont save(which is kind of weird since i bought the like 3 days after release and didnt have this glitch^^) or have numerous bugs with xp connection and such. I am quite lucky that i never had any of these bugs to make my life miserable.
and im NOT a troll so dont call me that or ignorant.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm

So you mean the game is widely accessible and still manages some of the best visuals to date? You mean most of the PC guys on this forum are whiny brats? You mean to tell me that nearly everyone gets to experience this awesome game and it's not for uber PCs only?

Why would Crytek do such a thing? Why would they insist on releasing a game instead of a benchmarking tool? How dare they......
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:46 pm

The game is not optimized, it runs at the same frame rate even with extreme overclock versus stock speeds.A very small fps increase. If crytek will dedicate time to optimize the game for real, instead of developing their crap DX11 patch, it would be great. But they aren't ctytek anymore, they are the slaves of EA company EA=money and less gaming. Remember that.
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Quick Draw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

The game is not optimized, it runs at the same frame rate even with extreme overclock versus stock speeds.A very small fps increase. If crytek will dedicate time to optimize the game for real, instead of developing their crap DX11 patch, it would be great. But they aren't ctytek anymore, they are the slaves of EA company EA=money and less gaming. Remember that.

You know.. You're totally right. They don't deserve any money at all. They should keep making us games and starve to death because that's how business works.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:23 am

The game is not optimized, it runs at the same frame rate even with extreme overclock versus stock speeds.A very small fps increase. If crytek will dedicate time to optimize the game for real, instead of developing their crap DX11 patch, it would be great. But they aren't ctytek anymore, they are the slaves of EA company EA=money and less gaming. Remember that.
no u are totaly wrong... the game is VERY optimized because it can use almost all of my CPU power but if ur talking about 5ghz OC then yeah you wouldnt see a difference but u wouldnt see a difference in any other game with that much OC... compared to all other games this game actually harness almost all available proccesing power my PC can give and for that im thankful.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:25 am

yeah the game have low-res textures and use more then 7 years old DX9 technology
did you expect low FPS here?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am

Lol my computer laughs everytime i turn on crysis 2 its so out of date using a dx 9 engine is not optimizing the game its basically throwing the game back 4 years of technology.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:59 pm

yeah the game have low-res textures and use more then 7 years old DX9 technology
did you expect low FPS here?
well Assassins creed 2, bulletstorm bad company 2 call of duty and all those games use about 50% of my GPU and like 40% of CPU... so get the difference? this is the first game that uses allmost all my PC power...
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:09 am

Lol my computer laughs everytime i turn on crysis 2 its so out of date using a dx 9 engine is not optimizing the game its basically throwing the game back 4 years of technology.
just because u have 5k pound worth PC doesnt mean that game isnt looking good. Crysis 2 in DX9 looks better then metro 2033... character design in metro 2033 looks like a design from 2004 despite using tessellation and all that new stuff.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:05 am

The game is not optimized, it runs at the same frame rate even with extreme overclock versus stock speeds.A very small fps increase. If crytek will dedicate time to optimize the game for real, instead of developing their crap DX11 patch, it would be great. But they aren't ctytek anymore, they are the slaves of EA company EA=money and less gaming. Remember that.
no u are totaly wrong... the game is VERY optimized because it can use almost all of my CPU power but if ur talking about 5ghz OC then yeah you wouldnt see a difference but u wouldnt see a difference in any other game with that much OC... compared to all other games this game actually harness almost all available proccesing power my PC can give and for that im thankful.

You do not know much about computers. i can already tell by your comment.

If the game is DX9 that means by nature the game is not optimized for DX10 and DX11 cards. IF the game to be released with DX10 the game will run at a faster smoother less glitchy FPS in DX10 mode on DX10 GPUs than DX9. Same thing if they released a DX11 patch. The direct X's are not just pretty visuals, they are also optimization packs.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:37 pm

my cpu is a q8200 @ 2,33 GHz.....and the games uses it to an extend of 70%.......on extreme settings.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:13 am

The game is not optimized, it runs at the same frame rate even with extreme overclock versus stock speeds.A very small fps increase. If crytek will dedicate time to optimize the game for real, instead of developing their crap DX11 patch, it would be great. But they aren't ctytek anymore, they are the slaves of EA company EA=money and less gaming. Remember that.
no u are totaly wrong... the game is VERY optimized because it can use almost all of my CPU power but if ur talking about 5ghz OC then yeah you wouldnt see a difference but u wouldnt see a difference in any other game with that much OC... compared to all other games this game actually harness almost all available proccesing power my PC can give and for that im thankful.

You do not know much about computers. i can already tell by your comment.

If the game is DX9 that means by nature the game is not optimized for DX10 and DX11 cards. IF the game to be released with DX10 the game will run at a faster smoother less glitchy FPS in DX10 mode on DX10 GPUs than DX9. Same thing if they released a DX11 patch. The direct X's are not just pretty visuals, they are also optimization packs.
When I play Crysis 1 in Dx10, it lags on highest... set it to Dx9 and it's totally smooth!
Same thing with Metro 2033. If Crysis 2 had a Dx11 patch, I would NOT use it
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le GraiN
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:43 am

When I play Crysis 1 in Dx10, it lags on highest... set it to Dx9 and it's totally smooth!
Same thing with Metro 2033. If Crysis 2 had a Dx11 patch, I would NOT use it

well for one you cant even play the game on the highest unless you have DX10 anyways. So your DX9 is playing at the setting next to the highest. You can not play crysis 1 on the highest settings in DX9.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:14 am

No I used the Dx9 Very High hack, it's designed for Windows XP but I used it anyway and it improves frame rate a _lot_
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:56 am

I am on my 3rd play through, still fantastic imo. Problem is, when the sp campaign is as good as this, your left wanting more :P and I want more!
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 pm

I get more consistent and often higher fps in Crysis 1 and Warhead, not to mention that both of them looked spectacular with their open environments, high res textures and complicated physics, Crysis 2 is a joke...
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claire ley
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