Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:09 am


Having played the leaked version (not on my pc), here is what i understood:

1)Kill cams: trust me, it is better to have a COD style kill cam, i for one want to know if the guy who got me was legit or cheating
2) Stealth mode: There is a counter, cloak tracker i believe it is called. Normal version just shows a sparkle of them, pro or level 3 makes them ′more visible. There is also foot tracker, which shows you the enemy's foot steps.

Having played the leaked version, it was "hell" for me, since everyone was cloaked and being stealthy. But then after understanding more and more how the game plays, there is a counter to everything EXCEPT for inflicting extra damage (like FMJ from MW2) which is GOOD. AND there is no extra health (jug perk) or silly second chance.

Basically, the game IS balanced IF you use you're head, customize the class and adjust you're game style.
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