» Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:30 pm
I've played the leaked version of the game. But after 20 mins, it felt like i was doing something really bad and i closed it. But it has shown me that this game will be PERFECT. No matter what these guys say, its perfect and i want to correct a few mistakes.
First of all, Singleplayer begins excellent. I wont spoil the story. I will just tell something about the AI. I was inside a half broken building. I activated the Cloak mode and looked at my enemies at front. I opened my visor - i think that was the name of that thing - and marked 5 of them. I deactivated the Cloak mode and crouched just before the cover. And I started to shoot at them. After i killed 2 and started to attack the next one, there were 2 people coming from my right and some of the guys that i was marked was running to the right side of my cover to hit me. That was something i wasnt expecting.
One of these guys said that the AI is dumb and they just stay at their place. I wanted to show that it isnt like that.
For the MP part, i never played MP but i've read that people were using Hamachi and doing MP at PC. If thats what you talk about, you can be sure that there will be lag. And the XBox version was Beta release. That means there are still things to be done before the real game comes.
One last thing, even if that leak was a bad thing. I'm going to buy this game. Not just to play Multiplayer, to show respect to the work that they have done. CryTek maybe thought that the leak was a bad thing. But before the leak, i was waiting the game like, " Crysis 2 is going to come out, it's gonna be cool. " But after i saw that first episode and heard that beautiful music. I m waiting the game like " Oh cmon. At least just give us the MP demo. Please make the game faster, becouse its going to be the best game ever! "
yeap i have played the leaked version and yes the SP is F**king great , but my problem is the multiplayer.
okay yes is cod with nanosuit , with killstreaks and killcams and perks . it is just that i cant find strategies . my point is that with the nanosuit you can run fast, do super jumps, be invisible , and have a better armor .
it is hard to me to find strategies in so small maps. i mean its almost like cod the only reason why is suposed to be diferent is the nanosuit with few modules ( only 2) .
i have played the leaked version online and the last killstreak was a alien vehicle killing my enemys, the other killstreak that i found was something like a UAV , the other like ANTI-UAV . what is next .. a alien ac-130?
i have seen also the perks , they are exactly like COD , for example :
Cobert ops III : reduces sound of steps = NINJA on COD MW2
Jammer III: Scrambles the radar of enemies within range = i dont remember the name of that D:
point fire enhanced: Reduces the spread of primary weapons when shooting from the hip
Weapon pro: Faster Weapon reloading
and my last question why there are not vehicles? :S