Crysis 2 preorder confusions :S (PC)

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:23 pm

So, after having lots of fun with demo and being happy that Crysis 2 is in fact running very smoothly on my rig with astonishing graphics, I finally decided to preorder my copy... But when I started to look at the preorder bonuses and after playing demo for a while already, it led me to a lot of confusions... I'll have a few questions:

1. From what I've read, both Platinum Dog Tag and Gold Dog Tag (EA Store Preorder Exclusive) are unique. What about the SCAR skins though (Digital and Desert) - are they unique as well; or are they unlockable in any other way?

2. Just making sure - the "hologram decoy" from the limited edition bonuses is only an early access bonus, similar to "bonus xp" and "early access to threat detector suit module" right? That is, you can unlock it, you just have it instantly as a 1st day bonus with a preorder?

3. Does all preordered copies (inluding all the retail ones) have the limited edition content? (Digital SCAR Skin & Platinum Dog Tag) or are there some editions without them? I'm curious, becuase I found an cheap offer, but it doesn't say anywhere that the limited edition content is included.

4. Do I get "EA Store Exclusive" items (Desert SCAR Skin & Gold Dog Tag) also when I activate my RETAIL copy of Crysis 2 Limited Edition in EA Download Manager? Or does it apply ONLY to the version bought through the store itself? (The "Redeem Product" window says that I should Use the product code from your box or manual to activate a digital download of a your PC game and that Activating your product code will give you additional features such as up-to-date game patches and additional bonus content for the lastest EA Games.. And that suggest that I should get those bonuses when activating a retail (boxed) version, but I'm not 100% sure, since it's just a general message...).

Gee, just one preordering and so much trouble D:
I just want to be sure what will I get with the version I'll order :). Thanks for the replies and clarifications! Happy playing with demo everyone :D
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:15 am

To get EA store exclusives, it needs to be bought directly from the EA store. Everything else should be with the game wherever you pre-order from. Essentially, the first shipment of crysis 2 are the limited edition versions.
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Marlo Stanfield
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