-there is no AI in this game. only challenge in single player on supersoldier is when I forgot to turn on invisibility and opponent sees me from... other END of the map. And he is so super duper powerful that he kills me with one burst. er... wtf?
-there is no ragdoll. Bodies are falling unnaturally, they fall into stairs, they disappear, they do some grotesque poses. they are unnaturall. and you can not move bodies with anything. you can blow granade, shoot, kick and bodies are left where they fell. they don't interact with enviroment. fail.
-sound of melee sometimes lags, sometimes there isn't sound at all.
-scripts doesn't work, soldiers just stand in one place... in first camp there are maybe 4 soldiers that are MOVING. They don't even react to blown up vehicles, barrels, thrown objects... so what's the point of doing that? In that camp one of the guards was throwing granades for 5 minutes (I checked on my watch) to last spot he saw me. errrr.... wtf?
-why there is no option to disable suit talks?! If I will hear one more time CLOAK ENGAGED I'm gonna get frenzy. person who designed it should burst into flames. It's the most annoying thing ever. CLOAK ENGAGED, CLOAK ENGAGED, CLOAK ENGAGED
for christ sake, please turn it off!!!!!
-C2 has the most unbalanced multiplayer ever. whats the point of melee kills if you have to punch someone 5 times?
come on! and even in multi... CLOAK ENGAGED
-why you had to put "press x to start game" in every cutscene... IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN? sheeesh.
at this point I'm disappointed in this game. It could be big but it's not. Fix those things please.
over and out.