Crysis 2 PS3 Forum

Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:48 am

Cryket we're waiting for your response, put hardcoe you guys are the best in the world, I strongly believe in you guys fix the LAG... I know that you are able to do that the we're waiting.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:22 am

When is a patch coming to fix the issues on the ps3 sound drops MP lag stuff like that other than a few minor issues def the best fps i have ever played COD you have been de-throned.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:56 pm

nobody knows yet, we are waiting for a response from Crytek, we deserve it, a quick and urgent response, a patch to fix it
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:29 pm

PLS CRYTEC PATCH!!!!!!!!!!! MP is unplayable. LAGS LAGS and LAGS,also HORRIBLE frame issue.PLS CRYTEC
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:01 pm

Hey Crytek this game you have made is top notch best shooting 1st person game ever! i cant complain about anything but i just have one consideration please please please i would really love on the next coming update can you improve the stealth features on the way it looks it would be so much better when you go into your stealth mode its just clear like water no blue or red lines thanks so much number 1 fan keep it up :D
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:27 pm

I believe it's got to make a tar patch to serve the community, I hope the patch comes quickly because it is the best game I've played and I know they will not disappoint us, so please come out a patch to resolve the online lag and bugs in single player CRYKET PLS !!!!!
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:49 pm

Well, I had high hopes, but it seems yet another multi player fps can't live up to the king, of course I mean Modern Warfare!!

Why is it that developers think only kids play console games and are willing to sacrifice proper testing and development for the sake of a quick buck.

If you play MW on-line, and then this, the gulf in quality is vast. I vowed not to by another Activision game after the dire Black ops and I had put my faith in EA and Crytek to prove me right in thinking that things could get better, but games seem to be going backwards, and at £40 that is unacceptable.

The trouble is they will soon have to start putting the prices up, because I will not pre order any more titles without renting them, its too easy nowadays to buy a good review, and I am sure there will be plenty more like me.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:04 am

How is it that nobody can get off COD? I mean they nerfed that MP experience to hell with all those ridiculous perks and unbalanced gameplay. People fell in love with a name and forgot standards. Graphics are clean, but so are many FPS games. COD got more hype than Crysis does if you ask me. and with new titles being pumped out literally every year, there really is no possible way the games could be really worth it. Change the maps, add a few features, and slap a $60 price tag on it? These new "games" from the COD series are worth a $15 "expansion" fee... nothing more.. and yet everyone jizzes their pants over them. i dont get it.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:11 am

whatte hell, Cry-tom is community manager and hasnt answered a god damn thing ? whatta hell kinda service does crytek have
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Add Meeh
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:51 pm

whatte hell, Cry-tom is community manager and hasnt answered a god damn thing ? whatta hell kinda service does crytek have

this is exactly my point. not even a "we are working on it" from anyone. its sad. and kind of insulting. take my money then snub me when the product has fixable flaws? not kosher. would be nice to hear something. anything. tell us to **** off if you must.... but tell us something....
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:20 pm


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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:37 pm

Here is my review of Crysis 2

Please excuse my bad English.

So I can say is there's a really fascinating Crytek once again succeeded title. But as for the story I am unfortunately a bit confused what actually happened with the characters from Crysis 1 and in general you can learn about the first part as good as nothing ... at least if you about all the sins we see but is still well maintained. The graphics I find really was well done except for a few small graphic errors and a slight blur, basically everything perfectly. The sound is definitely a thrill for bomb need to say any more. The game mechanics are not really managed to perfect slow steering ala KZ2 and all buttons respond immediately as it should be. And the AI could sometimes attack the real head ... e.g. running against the wall like the stupid ... otherwise the AI ??is actually very well done. As for the multiplayer has become very well I have not really been playing anyway but I thought never online. So all in all a really successful almost perfect game with small flaws but we all have:)
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:43 pm

Im quite a MW2 fan and played it for months. However cheaters ruinned (once again) a pretty decent online game...

Im starting like this my post because Ive beem playing C2 for the past 3 days and everytime it launches the Skyline map i get to see some idiot using someking of glitch/elevator to get himself flying over the map. Noone told me, its not a mith, its a fact and ive seen it just too many times now... and it sure pisses me off!!! Please Crytec fix the problem and make it clear that cheating wont work in this game! I believe that most of online players are pretty fed up with this people!!! I sure am!!

About the online experience, and apart from what other players have mentioned and reported, there are a couple of things that simply doesnt feel right to me (and im not talking about the problems concerning the drop of frame rate which fortunatly ive never experiencied yet):

1. It takes an eternity to find a lobby. Sometimes more than 2-3 minutes (which is just too much!);

2. It splits up the squad when there arent enough players in the lobby (doenst make any sense!).

3. Host selection has no logic. Ive played in rooms where the host must be the player with the worst connection, for sure! Because everybody else has a red bar!! Nor it makes sense the change in the host from one game to the other if there arent any changes in the players. Sometimes that change means that everyody goes from 3 green bar indicator to a red bar connection and the game becames impossible to play;

4. Finally something that after a few time really becomes annoying... "kloak engaged, kloak engaged, kloak engaged..." Please let us mute the nanosuit voice at the sound options or at least control the volume of the voice. That would be just great!

Apart from all these aspects im just loving the experience. Never played crysis, but im loving the concept and the pace of the game. And when some of the issues reported by the community do get solved im pretty sure it will come close to perfection.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:34 am

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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:50 pm

I absolutely love the main menu music. The haunting melody.
(not the crackling one that had too much gain mixed into it during the final mix-down.)

I could listen to that all day.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:49 am

Purchased the limited edition for PS3.
Aside from the short length of the campaign, everything is 100% great.
Now I just need a sweet PC to run the REAL game.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:11 pm

Just wanted to let you guys at CryTek know that this is easily the best game (graphically and audio wise) I have ever played. Loving every minute of it!
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Karine laverre
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:15 pm

Purchased the limited edition for PS3.
Aside from the short length of the campaign, everything is 100% great.
Now I just need a sweet PC to run the REAL game.

i dont understand how you found the campaign to be short. it has taken me 8 hours to complete it without finding any of the secret items or anything else and i only played it on regular.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:59 pm

1. It takes an eternity to find a lobby. Sometimes more than 2-3 minutes (which is just too much!);

I'm getting more like 4-5. It's getting pretty discouraging. Please fix!!
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:00 pm

Hello Cry-tom, look we believe in you, I hope you fix's servers and lag the game, the frame rate too, I know that you are able to do that and much more for me is the best game I've played until today, but we deserve to play without any kind of insults. and also fix the net's type because my're always red and yellow and have 50 mb of the Internet so it does not justify it.
as I said I really believe in you guys please do us very disappointed, to say so then already working on solutions, at least say something to the community to be more rested knowing that the work.PLS DONT ignore our Reviews. Thank you hope you read this cry tom.
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Jason King
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:19 am

Awesome game.The new king of shooters has been born.Ive had zero problems.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:16 pm

^^ very true, this game is awesome but...... please stop bragging if you have had no problems haha. i love this game and have had so many problems with online connectivity i am unable to play mp. so for now i have to stop playing until a patch comes :(
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:46 pm

crysis 2 is awesome and i finish the game and looking at the ending they goin to make crysis 3 and i whish they make for ps3 and xbox 360 crysis 1 because buying a powerfull computer that run crysis 1 its to much money so please crytek make crysis 1 for the ps3 and xbox 360 to undertand the story of crysis
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:10 am

Thanks for creating this website, love to hear what others have to say about Crysis 2. Can't wait to see the statistics.
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:26 pm

I am playing multiplayer on PS3. I was hoping for dedicated servers like in Medal of Honor and Bad Company 2. I am getting bad connections to host like in Black Ops. I am getting quite a bit of lag. There is a delay in reloading, aiming down sights, and stealth kills. I am so sick of COD I was hoping this game would be super awesome. I got killed from around the corner yesterday. After the honeymoon phase is up, I don't know how long I will play. Homefront has dedicated servers and an exciting online gameplay. This game should have dedicated servers and larger lobbies. This game is so beautiful and awesome that it is sad that this is ruining the game for me. This game is the best out there.

Yeah, the game is really awesome. But these issues have to be fixed, the most of them are bugging me too. Especially some probs that rimind me of Black Ops piss off, I also wish it had the more feel of weight when you run around, like in Killzone 3 and Bad Company and not feel so loose like CoD. Fingers crossed for a few good patches
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